Welcome to our spring newsletter for Critical Media Practice, the secondary field for Harvard graduate students who are integrating media creation into their academic work.
Jared McCormick's online interface "A View From The View" will be on view in this April's inaugural CMP Capstone Exhibition highlighting recent and current student projects.
CMP welcomes four new students to the secondary field: Buse Atkas from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Francisco Alarcon from the Visual and Environmental Studies Department, and Noha Mokhtar and Randa Wabe from the Anthropology Department.
CMP has formed an official partnership with the online journal Sensate. Students have the opportunity to collaborate in producing content for the journal which publishes media-based scholarship.
CMP students graduating this spring will present their capstone works in progress for critique this February through early April. Upcoming dates will be posted on our events page.
SACRe student Elizaveta Konovalova presents her work at the PSL-Harvard exchange in Paris this past December.
Check our events page for information on the following CMP-sponsored events and other items of interest.
An Evening with Anocha Suwichakornpong: "By the Time It Gets Dark" preceded by "Nightfall." Q&A with Prof. Peter Galison and reception will follow the screening Feb. 7, 7pm in the CCVA lecture hall.
A CMP Info Session for new and prospective CMP students will be held Feb. 12, 5:30-6:30pm in Sever 416.
The inaugural CMP Capstone Exhibition will be on view April 22 - May 5. The exhibition will open April 26 with a show of films, sound work, and performance at 2pm in HAM's Menschel Hall followed by a reception at 5:30pm in the newly renovated Sackler Annex.
"By the Time It Gets Dark" screens Feb. 7 at 7pm with filmmaker Anocha Suwichakornpong in conversation with CMP Co-Director of Graduate Studies Peter Galison.