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Kelli’s Quill Newsletter
Winter 2019 Issue
Hi! I hope 2019 is off to a great start for you! Time flies, and it’s hard to believe that we’re into another year. This issue of the Quill has something for everyone. 
Writers: I’ll show you how to you can get on track with your writing goals for 2019, and I’ve posted 4 fun writing tips any writer can use at end of the newsletter. 
Readers: I’m sharing a look at my newest collection of mini-romances, flashing back to my 2018 releases, and giving you the “Best of” my 2018 blogs!
My second collection of contemporary romances was released in January 2019.
Cupid’s  Schemes - A Collection of Sweet Romances (Vol. 2)
In these 12 flash fiction vignettes, Cupid’s arrow hits the mark and ignites a spark between two strangers—whether or not they’re looking for romance. Their unusual meetings lead to new beginnings and new chances at love.

Sweet stories of couples falling under Cupid’s spell include:
* a photographer falls for a sexy cowboy in a supposedly abandoned ghost town
* new neighbors discover that romance can happen when you least expect it
* a long-lost love returns in an unexpected setting

These lighthearted mini-romances are perfect reads for a quick lunchtime escape or an after-work indulgence.

Order Cupid’s Schemes - Volume 2 here:
All other platforms:

   And don’t miss Cupid’s Schemes - Volume 1 containing 16 more love stories.
Kelli's historical romance, Redemption from a Dark Past, was published in 2018. This full-length Gothic novel is set in the kingdom of Hungary in 1723 and blends a sensual romance with mystery and suspense. It also was a Night Owl Romance “Top Pick” and got a 4 ½ star review.
Redemption from a Dark Past

Lord Sebestyen Adrik has an unsavory reputation as a madman, murderer… and worse. Lonely and searching for love, he seeks the companionship of local young women, hoping one of them will ease his torment and bring him the happiness he longs for. Katarina is his last chance—but will she fear him like all the others? Or is she the one who can lift his curse?

Desperate to avoid a forced marriage, Katarina agrees to become Lord Adrik’s latest companion, despite the rumors she has heard about him. She discovers the “Dark Lord’s” secret past and realizes he’s not the monster everyone thinks he is. As their love blossoms, she renews his passion for life—yet they cannot escape the ghosts of the past.

When a meeting of the nobility goes horribly wrong, Sebestyen’s world unravels, and his enemies plot to destroy him. As all seems lost, a mysterious stranger arrives at the castle. Sebestyen must decide if he is a friend or a foe…and if he can find redemption in his love for Katarina, or lose her and everything else that he holds dear.

Order Redemption from a Dark Past here:
Link to all other platforms:
  In August, Kelli released her horror novella, Nightmare in the North. This cautionary tale about traveling alone and trusting strangers makes a great winter read! It received a 5 star review from Myra’s Horror Blog Reviews. 
Nightmare in the North
  Stranded during a violent blizzard, Mark hikes to the only house nearby. George, a well-mannered University professor, welcomes Mark and gives him shelter from the storm.

  By m
orning, Mark suspects that everything isn’t what it seems. George’s adult daughter, Kate, who also lives in the house, shares a disturbing and unsettling tale. When questioned, George insists that Kate has a psychological issue and can’t be trusted to tell the truth.

k quickly finds himself caught in a game of cat and mouse. Who should he believe? Is Kate’s desperate plea for help sincere? Should he be suspicious of George? Or are both of them plotting something together?
Isolated from everyone, Mark is forced to wait out the storm—and find a way to escape—if he hopes to make it out alive.

Order Nightmare in the North here:
All other platforms:
FOR 2019?
If writing a novel or a short story is on your list of things to do, don’t miss my online writing course, Fiction Writing for Beginners.  It’s a must-have for anyone who is interested in writing and needs practical advice on how to get started, PLUS motivation and encouragement to keep writing.

AND for a limited time, Fiction Writing for Beginners is on sale!

Thirteen easy-to-follow classes cover the writing process from start to finish. You’ll learn where writers get ideas, how to create characters, get expert tips on writing your story, and find out how to submit it for publication. Everything you need to know to start writing is wrapped up in this comprehensive and fun course.

Each class is self-contained and self-directed. This way, you can learn about a specific topic at your own pace, and not worry about completing the class by a certain deadline. Short writing exercises at the end of each class highlight the subject matter and get you writing.

If you’ve always wanted to write, Fiction Writing for Beginners gives you all the tools you need. Visit the course page and enroll here:
Don’t miss the limited time sale. Enroll today and start writing tomorrow!
Kelli was blogging like mad in 2018. Here are links to the “Best of” blogs!

What are your writing goals for 2019? Learn how to set goals and get writing in this blog!

December news & reviews: Read a 5 star review for Nightmare in the North and a 4 1/2 star review for Redemption from a Dark Past - PLUS get links to a new horror story!

Kelli was a guest food blogger in December. Just in time for the holidays, she shared a recipe for spicy ginger cookies.

Another food blog! Here’s a simple side dish recipe for wild rice & broccoli.

Read about Kelli’s contemporary romance anthology, Cupid’s Schemes in this blog.

Looking for a yummy treat? Get Kelli’s recipe for pumpkin bread here:

Read about Kelli’s horror story, Nightmare in the North. Post includes an excerpt!

Katarina, the heroine from Redemption from a Dark Past, answers fun questions in this blog:

Kelli kicked off Pride Month with a character interview. Everett, the hero from her gay romance, A Secret Match shares a few insights...

Read a character interview with Princess Elara from the historical/fantasy romance A Most Unusual Princess.

Prince Dalton from A Most Intriguing Temptation shares his thoughts in this revealing  interview.

Hear from a hero! Prince Allan from A Most Unfortunate Prince shares his thoughts - and a secret! - in this interview.
Looking for something to read? Check out Kelli’s Books2Read page.
It features her romances (in all genres), her horror fiction & more!
Get Motivated to Write!
I’m always asked if I have tips for aspiring writers. Today, I’m sharing 4 fast, fun tips.

Lights, Camera, Action!: Always start your story with an interesting hook to capture the reader’s attention. Begin either 5 minutes before, during, or 5 minutes after “the big moment” that gives the character a problem and draws the reader into the character’s world. Keep the action going in the first few paragraphs. Don’t waste the first page describing the weather or how a character got dressed in the morning. Jump into the story and take your readers with you.

What’s Your Sign?: One of the keys to writing a good story is creating a believable cast of characters. Before you write your story, spend some time with your characters and learn everything you can about them so they come off well-rounded and “real” to readers. Some of the details you should know are:
* Hair and eye color, general build/body shape
* Birthday and astrological sign. (You can develop character traits based on the sign. An astrology reference book is an excellent tool for this.)
* Distinguishing marks (scars, missing limb, tattoos – and the story behind each)
Family life (have brothers, sisters? Adopted? Parents together or divorced? Raised by uncle, etc.) Have children? Wants children or never even considered it?
* Pets (cat or dog person? reptiles? raises bees? or no pets at all?)
* What secrets do your characters have? What would happen if people found out about them?
* Dreams, aspirations, goals, and regrets. Are they happy with their lives or do they wish they had done things differently?

The more you know about the characters in your story, the more you can make the reader (and other characters) identify with them through details. You can also build on these details and/or use them to move the plot along, add conflict, build dramatic tension, or liven up a love scene.

Do Your Homework: Whatever you’re writing, it pays to do your homework and research a topic. This is especially true if you’re writing historical fiction. Research provides interesting details the reader might need to know for a part of the story, but in the very least, it lends itself to the believability of the setting, characters, and plot.

If you write historical fiction, find out about the time period you’ve set your story. What did people eat, where did they work, and what did money look like? How did they live? What did they have around the house? (Wood-burning stoves, fireplaces, butter churns, cast iron skillets?) What was invented then? If you’re writing about a character living in the 1800s, you have to know everything about the time period and “live” through the character to show the reader what that person’s life was like.

Gotta Have a Goal: No matter how grand or simple, everyone has a goal. When you’re writing a story, you have to know what your characters want most – at least for right now. Different characters should have different goals, and along the course of your story, goals will change and characters will develop secondary goals.

Sometimes goals start out simple (like getting to a wedding on time), and your job as a writer is to make it hard for your character to achieve his/her goal by throwing in conflicts and obstacles that force your heroine or hero to work harder.

Want more writing tips and advice? Why not enroll in my online writing course, Fiction Writing for Beginners? It's on sale for a limited time! Learn more about it here:

Not interested in an online course? On a budget? How about an ebook? Check out my non-fiction writing guide, You Can Write—Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction. It’s only $2.99! Read more about it on my blog:

or order it here:
All other platforms:
I hope you enjoyed this winter edition of the Quill.
What’s coming up in 2019, you ask?

Look for a non-fiction romance guide, more horror stories, and I’ll be re-releasing all three of my historical romances previously published by Medallion Press. If that isn’t enough, I’m also working on a few brand new romances.

Stay tuned to my blog and my social media pages for updates and release info.

Before I sign off, I want to give a big
Thank You to everyone who ordered my books, visited my blog, followed my social media pages, and supported my writing in 2018. Thanks!

Stay warm this winter!

Happy Reading & Writing,
Kelli A. Wilkins
Copyright © 2019 Author, All rights reserved.

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