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The 7 Day Rockstar Detox has been done by hundreds of people in multiple countries since it came out. I am excited for you to join the group of Rockstars!!!

What will happen in the 7 days?
- Nutrition:  we will eliminate some major trigger foods while adding in some amazing food. I will challenge you to flood your body with a couple key superfoods that will boost mood, energy, libido, and your longevity.
-Emotions: We will work on detoxing relationships and emotions that are no longer serving you. Often times we carry around thoughts and feelings that are weighing us down, impairing our liver, and causing us to feel toxic inside.
Stress:  Along with emotions, stress is a drainer, and will suck the life out of you. I will challenge you to go outside of your comfort zone to relieve stress through different external and internal body techniques.

 We will connect on the group Facebook page where I will be able to answer questions and you gain awesome insight from other detoxers. 
Sign up and participate anywhere!

I am so grateful to have you!
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