50th Commemoration Year & countdown to Engineers Week
Dear <<Prefered Name>>
Welcome to the January edition of Connect. Together we look forward to some exciting initiatives and possibilities that await our members over the next twelve months.
2019 is a special Commemoration Year for Chartered Engineers and for our organisation as we mark the establishment in Ireland 50 years ago, of the professional title of Chartered Engineer, considered to be the gold standard of the profession. Our President inaugurated the year on 9 January and the article and some pictures from the event can be found below. There are two opportunities in 2019 to apply for a Chartered Engineer title. The first is by 25 January and the second is 28 June. For more information see here.
Engineers Week which showcases the exciting world of contemporary engineering to young girls and boys begins on 2 March. We must use every opportunity to inspire young people to join the profession and I would encourage as many of you as possible to get involved. See more information below. Additionally, on the eve of Engineers Week on Friday 1 March, Engineers Ireland in collaboration with our South East Regional Branch will present an Applied Artificial Intelligence Ireland Forum & Technical Conference in Kilkenny. The Forum is the first in a series of four fora that we will present this year. If you are wondering how your business can benefit from AI and how it can be built into core processes to drive efficiency, by hearing what others are successfully doing, this event will be of great interest to you.
In relation to your CPD activities in 2018 I would ask you to record and declare your activities on My CPD by the 31 January deadline.
I would like to invite you to participate in Engineers Ireland's Salary Survey 2019. We are aiming to capture developments in engineering employment and remuneration. All information will remain anonymous and your privacy is assured. The results of this five minute survey will be published during Engineers Week, exclusively to members.
Finally, I would like to congratulate your Registrar, Damien Owens, who has been appointed President of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).
Best wishes
Caroline Spillane
Director General of Engineers Ireland
Record and declare your 2018 CPD activities before 31 January
If you have not yet done so, we would request that you now log on and declare your CPD hours for 2018 before the 31 January 2019 deadline.
Our CPD Policy requires our members to undertake 35 hours of CPD and to record those CPD activities online using 'My CPD', an online tool designed to allow members to record and track their CPD activities.
Please note that this requirement to declare CPD hours applies to all members – excluding retired members and student members (or those who were registered as students on 1 January 2018).
Recording your CPD is easy and can be completed in three easy steps:
1. Log on to Engineers Ireland’s My CPD portal using your username and password
2. Enter in the details of your CPD activities for 2018
3. Once you have met or exceeded 35 hours’ CPD, make your CPD declaration for 2018
A number of other exemptions and pro-rata requirements apply to those on maternity, paternal or sabbatical leave; or members experiencing unemployment. To see how to request an exemption, watch the 1-minute video: Requesting an exemption.
If you work for a CPD Accredited Employer, you can also choose to avail of the dispensation. To see how, watch the 2-minute video: Availing of the CPDA dispensation.
Engineers Ireland is committed to working with members on their CPD journey. The Help Section of My CPD includes many useful resources.
If you have any queries in relation to logging and declaring your CPD activities for 2018, please email cpdpolicy@engineersireland.ie.
Date for your diary: Applied AI Forum & Technical Conference on 1 March
Event speakers include leaders in new start-ups, AI professionals and data scientists
On Friday 1 March, on the eve of Engineers Week, Engineers Ireland in collaboration with its South East Regional Branch will present an Applied Artificial Intelligence Ireland Forum and Technical Conference in Kilkenny. The initiative will involve exceptional companies and talent in Ireland that use advanced Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (A1) Technology as a key aspect of their businesses.
The aim of this immersive day of learning, discussion and connection at the Lyrath Estate is to support delegates, particularly engineers, business managers, chief information officers, brand managers, students and others with an interest in technology, to get a broader and deeper understanding of where AI is headed and some areas of Irish business life where it is being actively and successfully applied.
Event speakers include young leaders in new start-ups who are implementing AI in their companies and AI professionals and data scientists.
The morning Forum, the first in a series of Engineers Ireland fora this year, and the afternoon Technical Conference will focus on current AI applications and commercialisation across several sectors. For further information and to book your ticket see this link: http://engineersireland.ie/groups/events/2019/march/applied-artificial-intelligence-ireland-forum-(1).aspx
Calling all Engineering Superheroes to inspire the next generation of engineers
Get involved in Engineers Week, 2-8 March - receive merchandise to support your event
Members are encouraged to participate in Engineers Week 2019, taking place from 2-8 March 2019, by organising events to showcase engineering in your local community and inspire the next generation of engineers in Ireland.
Engineers have never been more in demand. Our recent survey of our members has predicted that over 6,000 new jobs will be created in the engineering sector this year and a ready supply of talented engineers will also be fundamental to realising the ambitions of Project Ireland 2040.
Through the collaborative efforts of our members and engineering organisations, third-level institutions, libraries and schools, Engineers Week will bring the fascinating world of engineering to life in communities nationwide, inspiring children to engineer the Ireland of tomorrow.
Be part of the national campaign and register your events by 31 January to be an official Engineers Week partner and receive merchandise to accompany your event.
Engineers Week is supported by SFI and sponsored by industry leaders ESB, TII, Intel and Arup.
For event inspiration, top-tips for a successful event and more, download our Get Involved Guide.
For more information, visit: www.engineersweek.ie.
Engineering our Regions:
Have your say in the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategies
The Republic of Ireland is divided into three Regional Assembly areas: Eastern & Midland, Northern & Western and Southern. The Regional Assemblies identify regional policies and coordinate initiatives that support the implementation of national planning policy, particularly the National Planning Framework.
They carry out this function primarily through the preparation and implementation of Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSESs) to 2031. Drafts of the three RSESs have now been published for public consultation.
The strategies are here:
Eastern & Midland
Northern & Western
To engage our members and to develop submissions to the RSESs, Engineers Ireland is hosting three workshops:
Dublin: 6.30pm on Thursday 17 January at Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 (register here)
Galway: 3pm on Thursday 24 January at ENG-2002, 2nd floor, Alice Perry Engineering Building, NUI Galway (register here)
Cork: mid-February (details TBC)
Each workshop will feature a short introduction to the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy followed by discussions on key themes such as regional development, climate action, infrastructure and housing. To take part in these important discussions, please register your attendance using the links above. For further information, contact Richard Manton at rmanton@engineersireland.ie.
2019 Special Commemoration Year
The establishment in Ireland 50 years ago this year, of the professional title of Chartered Engineer, considered to be the gold standard of the profession, was inaugurated and celebrated at 22 Clyde Road by the President of Engineers Ireland, Peter Quinn, Past Presidents, our Director General and members on 9 January.
The passing of an Act of the Oireachtas in 1969 provided for the establishment of this registered professional title which is internationally recognised and, under Irish Law, certain engineering work is reserved for Chartered Engineers. Within the Republic of Ireland, we are the sole authority to award the title.
In addition to the establishment of the title of Chartered Engineer, the Act of the Oireachtas in 1969 also provided for the merger of two engineering bodies, Cumann na nInnealtóirí (The Engineers Association) and the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland (ICEI), into one more wide-ranging organisation, to represent the engineering profession in Ireland titled The Institution of Engineers of Ireland or Cumann na nInnealtóirí – now trading as Engineers Ireland.
At the event in our offices, we also celebrated the publication of Called to Serve Two, sponsored by ESB, which captures the annual addresses made by Engineers Ireland’s Presidents from 1969 to 2018. Its author is the engineering historian, Dr Ronald Cox, Fellow of Engineers Ireland, Chairman of our Heritage Society and former Dean of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. See pictures below of our memorable occasion here in Clyde Road on 9 January.
9 January 2019: 22 Clyde Road, Pictured at the inauguration of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration Year including the launch of the new publication, Called to Serve Two, are Peter Quinn, President of Engineers Ireland, Dr Ronald Cox, Chair of our Heritage Society, who compiled the publication and Caroline Spillane, Director General.
50th Anniversary Commemoration Year Committee Members:
Murt Coleman, Dr. Ronald Cox, Orla Lonergan and Finbarr Callanan.
ESB CEO Pat O'Doherty and Dr Ronald Cox view the Past President's wall in Clyde Road.
ESB kindly sponsored Called to Serve Two and also Called to Serve in 2014.
New European role for your Registrar
Many congratulations to your Registrar Damien Owens (pictured) who was elected as President for the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), at its recent General Assembly. His term of office will be for two years from January 1 2019.
Established in 2006 with funding from the EU, ENAEE authorises accreditation agencies (or similar bodies) in different countries including Engineers Ireland for Ireland, to award the EUR-ACE© Label (EURopean ACcredited Engineer) to the engineering degree programmes they accredit. This Label is a reliable verification of the high quality of an engineering degree programme at Bachelor and Master level.
Over 2,200 engineering degree programmes in 300 universities in 22 countries including here in Ireland have now been awarded the EUR-ACE© Label.
The Label uses a consistent framework of standards - which are above the minimum standards set by national laws in each country, - to measure the effectiveness of an engineering degree programme. The EUR-ACE Framework Standards (EAFS) specify engineering programme outcomes i.e. the knowledge and skills required of engineering graduates at the Bachelor and Master level.
Damien will continue his work as Registrar during his term as ENAEE President.
Damien Owens said: “The Framework Standards also incorporate the views of the main academic and industry stakeholders and take into account the diversity of engineering programmes that are now needed for the European engineering industry. ENAEE also encourages innovation in teaching methods.”
Engineers Ireland was one of the founding members of ENAEE.
A database of all accredited engineering degree programmes which have been awarded the EUR-ACE© Label is available at http://www.enaee.eu.
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Engineers Ireland in numbers
25,500 members
32 regions, divisions and societies
1 community