Winter everywhere. 
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Winter on the sound... 

A recent sunny week got us out on Sitka Sound in S/V BOB and our kayaks. It was warm, but watching this Stellar's sealion lounging about on a cold steel marker buoy made us shiver. Probably the reason he (or she) was all alone with no one to snuggle with. Cold toes. 

What do sailors do in winter in Sitka? Well we mostly do things in the rain - but sometimes snow happens, And you gotta drag out the skis and skates because it doesn't last long. Luckily, we have some of the most beautiful spots on the planet to go. 
Just look at all those islands! Sitka Sound is a kayaking and sailing paradise as well.
The BOB has a sister! Our good friends Captain Rob (and Jen) splurged on a sweet Catalina recently, and Rob brought it up from Olympia, WA this summer. We enjoyed a buddy-boat trip a while back to the local hot springs. (we can take you there, too). Gonna brag a bit here; Rob took Blain's Introduction to Sailing class in Sitka a couple of years ago and it is super to see he and Jen getting the most out of their new sailer. 
We are excited to announce a new arrival on the BOB. Introducing our boat guitar "Plunk".
As you can see our good friend, Taj Mahal has already said it sounds great for a 3/4 size stringbox and we just hope someone this summer knows how to play it. Unfortunately Taj is busy - but we also carry whistles, horns, shaker eggs, and a bell, so you'll get to be the band if you want and whatever we come up with ought to sound GREAT.
A lot better than our old one, that's for sure...
Speaking of national treasures - Every once in a while we get to see history made in Sitka. Tommy Joseph is a local master carver and Tlingit artist who creates original carvings, jewelry, sculpture, and even clothing (see page 42-44!!!). He recently unveiled a new rotating totem pole for the Sitka Sound Science Center. He even has a TedTalk. We simply love this guy. 
Every spring, Blain gets to hand off the wheel to students in his Introduction to Sailing class in Sitka. If you happen to be in town, sign up. It's a lot of fun, and it may take you amazing places. Scheduled for May 1-5. 
We still have two primetime Glacier Bay trips with open cabins this summer. 
  May 30 – June 8. Three cabins available 10 days
  July 11 – 20, 2019, One cabin available 10 days
Call us today for info, or to book a trip.
These trips are 10% off:
  May 13 – 19, 2019, Sitka to Juneau 7 days
  September 5 – 12, 2019, Juneau to Petersburg 8 days 
Simply click on the pretty sailboat for more info or to reserve a berth.
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