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Roles were switched when our producer - who is usually the one conducting the interviews - was interviewed for a business podcast. The far-reaching conversation covered topics that included video, faith, marketing, social media and butterflies in the winter. And for the icing on the cake, we created an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the recording session.
Pro Tip from Our Producer
"For all those fledgling people... what is your advice?" That's one of the questions that host Andrew Lambert asked during our episode of his business podcast (listen to the entire episode here). My answer, summarized, was that anyone in this industry needs to keep evolving their tools to match the market, while getting better and better at the universal principals that never change.

#ProTip: Use the newest tools with tried-and-true methods.

Video cameras and equipment are constantly getting better and more accessible, and the way users are interacting with video is constantly changing, so in order to stay ahead, a producer must be immersed in the latest breakthroughs and the styles that are currently pervasive. But the basic principles of storytelling will never change. My videos are based on one one simple, active and emotionally-connected phrase, just like Shakespeare's stories. And a story of struggle will always captivate human beings, whether it is told on cave walls or the iPhone X.

- Katie Rutter
Want to know more? Let's talk.
Volunteering with Adults with Disabilities
At one organization, volunteers give a little “extra help” to adults with disabilities, make friends and spread happiness. Help Build a Better Life Foundation provides care to these adults in a home-based setting, but they rely on volunteers to bring community to their clients and help with day-to-day needs. We made a video for the organization to help recruit more volunteers.
Changing Lives at SEEK2019
About 17,000 people, mostly college students, converged on Indianapolis to celebrate their faith in Indianapolis during the week-long conference SEEK2019 hosted by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. Thousands waited in line as priests heard confessions, and the whole conference building was rocked with praise as the 17,000 people sang together during worship and adoration. Young people also shared their need to be loved, to be valued and to be part of a community.
Things About Things
Odd facts about plants... just for fun.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means the arrival of heart-shaped decorations and candies galore. In case you haven’t noticed, though, none of those cute heart symbols look like an actual human heart. That would be gross. Still, it brings up an interesting question: Where did the heart symbol come from and why is it so biologically inaccurate? There are actually several theories regarding the origin of the heart symbol. Some think it’s a mistake made by Medieval monks drawing organs described in ancient Greek texts. Others think it’s curvaceous design was based off of ... other anatomical features. Still others claim it was inspired by ancient fennel.

Silphium is a possibly-extinct form of giant fennel that was all the rage in the ancient world. It was valued as a panacea and was used to literally spice things up in the bedroom. It’s not surprising that such a useful plant eventually gained a close association with romantic love. Trade in silphium was an essential underpinning of ancient economies, especially Cyrene in Northern Africa, which valued the plant so much they featured its fruit on their silver coins. Interestingly, the fruit of silphium looks identical to the modern heart symbol. Did this important fruit and all its connections to eros survive to the modern age, or are anatomical descriptions in Greek particularly difficult to interpret by candlelight? We really can’t say, but we love to speculate.

Scripture Inspiration
Stay grounded with verses that inspire. Here are the two Picture Scripture images that we will post on our Facebook page in the coming weeks.
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At Thing in a Pot Productions, we believe that everyone has immense value. We are committed to helping others--large and small groups alike--communicate through the language of video. By doing so, we are helping even the "least of these" share their value with the world.

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