
BH Member Newsletter • February 2019

Welcome to our very first newsletter! We want to keep you updated on what's happening at BoulderHouse and what better way than to lay it all out here. 🙂 We took your feedback from our survey and are trying our best to get to all the suggestions. Check out the news, events, special offers, and information you need to know to help make your experience at BH the best it can be. Sit back, grab a cup, and enjoy.

New Year, New...

Our new site is live here. We couldn't wait any longer and wanted to share it with you. We're still putting on the final touches, so check back to see new content and features. Highlights include a calendar to keep you up to date and our promo of the month. And soon you'll be able to book more online while ogling our galleries 🙂. Be sure to watch the video on the about page!
Say what!? Yes, we are changing out our mats. They've been looking a little tired and needed some love. We are upgrading the materials to a new Delire carpet top. May your landings be soft and your confidence grow with an amazing new surface below you.

We've got a huge shipment of sick new Cheeta holds this month, adding some variety to routes coming down the pipe.
Upgraded Air Filters
We've been working hard to get these puppies into the gym! Climbers need lungs (okay, everyone needs lungs), so we will be installing new air filtration to help keep the chalk on your hands and out of the air. 

Gym Beta

Valentine’s Day Special

Share your love of climbing with someone you love...or like...or can tolerate for a few hours. Two for one drop-ins on February 14. 
Gym Closures

February 5 all day and 6 till 5:00 pm for installation of carpet mats.

March 20 at 7:00 pm; 21 & 22 all day. Closed March 23 for climbing, but open for TbD spectators. Opening later on March 24 to recover. Check the website for updated times.
Spring Break Pass

Climbing can do wonders for your grades. Close the books and take advantage of this special deal. Check our website for details.

There are two more changes coming to the gym, but you'll have to come down to learn more (you can probably guess the first from the pic above and the second is sure to light up your life). 

A good excuse to get in a few more sessions (as if you needed one).

Park It Here

A few spots in the lot labelled “BH” are reserved for those visiting the gym. From Monday to Saturday after 5:30 pm, as well as all day Sunday, you can use the other side of the lot. If these are full, please park on the street and avoid parking in the Body Dynamics lot next door; it is shared with the government building and has limited space.

Highlights from Open Boulder Provincials

On January 19 and 20, BoulderHouse hosted the Resolution OBPs. Here are a few photo highlights from the comp. You can see more pics in a gallery on our new website.


Open Female
  1. Allison Vest
  2. Sophie Buitendyk
  3. Mika Hosoi
Junior Female
  1. Sophie Buitendyk
  2. Rachel Gill
  3. Athena Pimentel
Youth A Female
  1. Sonya Colliander
  2. Lexi Binder
  3. Emma Wetsel
Open Male
  1. JJ Mah
  2. Guy McNamee
  3. Ivan Luo
Junior Male
  1. Sean Faulkner
  2. Finn Battersby
  3. Aidan Doyle
Youth A Male
  1. Guy McNamee
  2. Kindar McNamee
  3. Ethan Hoffman


Comp Coming: The Tour de Bloc tradition continues with registration opening soon! Come test yourself in our super fun and welcoming community climbing comp. This casual comp begins with a scramble format and ends with an exciting round of finals. The atmosphere is great and the stoke is always high!

Stability and Opposition Classes: Learn how to activate and strengthen your muscles to improve mechanics and avoid injury while climbing. Classes are taught by the amazing Christy Mader RMT, February 6 and 13 from 7:30 till 9:00 pm. Registration is available on our site.

Bouldering 201: Do you feel stuck between grades? Are you a graduate of Bouldering 101? Continue to progress with Bouldering 201. This multi-week course covers advanced climbing techniques like heel and toe hooking, dynos, and much more. The classes will emphasize body movement and awareness, injury prevention, and blasting through future plateaus. This course is perfectly complemented by the stand-alone core/strength/stability classes since it does not focus on physical strength. Join us to become a better climber. Details will be posted on our website soon.

Falling Clinics: Would you have more confidence on the wall if you could fall like an expert? We're bringing a series of clinics your way to show you techniques to manage the risks of falling. These clinics will be free to anyone interested in participating.

You can get updates on gym events on our online calendar or check with staff next time you’re in the gym if you have any questions. 


Want to win the pictured prize pack from Sattva and NutriClimb? 
Easy. Just click on your answer to the following question by February 15.
What colour grade do you climb consistently at the gym?


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