The Seth House, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, dedicated to restoring and preserving the historic building where Seth spoke.

If this is the first time you've received an email from us, 
we have a lot of explaining to do.

First, we need to tell you what the heck THE SETH HOUSE is.
If you don't already know about it - we have great news for you!

THE SETH HOUSE is an historic building in Elmira, New York.
This is where Jane Roberts lived from 1960-1975.
This is where the SETH BOOKS were born.
Nearly 8 million copies have been sold
and all 45 titles are still in print.

Yes, this happened in Elmira. 
Most people here have no idea that
such an important literary achievement occurred
right here in our little town.
What Are The SETH BOOKS?

Okay, this may sound a little "out there", but hey, a lot of good things can seem that way at first.

Here we go... A highly evolved non-physical entity named Seth 'channeled' information through Jane Roberts, right here in Elmira for nearly 20 years.
Yes, I said channeled. It's channeled material.

Are you still with me so far?  Okay, you've heard of channeling before and that's kind of becoming mainstream anyway.

But wait, there's more. 

Seth's message is so powerful and so influential that millions of people around the world have found inspiration and spiritual sustainence from Seth's message. It's so good, we want to preserve a house that's crumbling, just as a way of showing our respect for what happened here.

Their international bestsellers include: “Seth Speaks”, “The Nature of Personal Reality” and “The Unknown Reality”  which have been translated into a dozen languages. And there's also a hefty 9 volume set called “The Early Sessions”.



This building is legendary and needs to be preserved. Unfortunately, its upkeep has been s-o-o-o-o neglected. So a dedicated group of Seth Appreciaters created a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization to remedy this situation.

Our dream is to purchase, restore and preserve this building forever and ever. It needs a lot of TLC and to be given the honor it deserves. And we aim to give it all we got. We've been working diligently on this project for over a year now. 
Check out the "before and after pics" to see what we've accomplished so far…


Our vision is for THE SETH HOUSE to be made open to the public for events and gatherings and to be an important hub of activity that truly uplifts the people of Elmira and beyond. We want to welcome people from around the world to enjoy and appreciate what this one building signifies.

We can hold public and private events here and be of service to the local community of Elmira, as well as bringing good people together from around the world who share an interest in the uplifting and life-affirming writings of Seth & Jane Roberts. We want to help Elmira. We want to help the world.



This means we are an acknowledged and fully accredited 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charitable Foundation and certified to receive charitable contributions.This is a very big deal in the world of charity building and establishing our legitimacy as a trusted recipient of contributions and goodwill. Read more about what that means at the Guidestar Link below...

We have a GoFundMe "Crowdfunding Campaign". 
Check it out to see what's going on there too.

And there's always good old PayPal

For more information about this project in general, check out our website starting with this link to the Donations Page for more about the vision and other considerations for becoming a much beloved supporter and benefactor.



We want to create a place of peace, and a center for meditative and spiritual contemplation.

We will open our doors for offering group meetings, talks, get togethers, and the opportunity to meet others for thoughtful conversations with people who care and are curious about the greater meaning of reality itself.

We want this to be something that reaches out to enrich the lives of people around the world, even as it becomes a wellspring of wisdom that touches the lives of our Elmira neighbors and friends. 

We want this to become a very special place in Elmira NY that welcomes people from around the world to simply find a deeper sense of themselves and personal purpose in life.

Please Let Others Know About 

Please support this work to beautify one very important building in this town.
We are giving it our best shot to make the world a better place by promoting the works of a local author, and a multi-dimensional friend, who coined the term
"You create your own reality."

•  Feel free to forward this email to your friends.
•  Post our website link onto your Facebook page and other social media.
•  Add yourself to our email list, on the website, if you received this from
          a friend who forwarded it to you.
•  Help us spread the good news any way you know how - Thanks!

We are not open for business yet, so to speak, and do not have regular hours,
but feel free to contact us through our website. We thank you for your interest in 
what we hope will be an important new energy infusion for individuals around the world who love to be inspired by great wisdom…

Even if the source is a little "out there".

With Love,

Copyright © 2019 The Seth House, All rights reserved.

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