Somos un equipo que hace, promueve y difunde investigación sobre acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales. 

Laboratorio de Análisis de Organizaciones y Movimientos Sociales


Nicaragua en Crisis

Nicaragua en CrisisAleksander Aguilar Antunes, Esteban de Gori, Carmen Elena Villacorta (compiladores) Nicaragua en 2018. Notas sobre un libro incómodo Carmen Elena Villacorta Nicaragua es un símbolo. Y no cualquier clase de símbolo: es un símbolo revolucionario. En Nicaragua ocurrió la segunda revolución
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Violence in the City

Violence in the CityEuropean Consortium for Political Research Violence in the City: Actors, Forms and Dynamics of Urban Violence Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Violence Abstract This section addresses violence as an urban phenomenon. It looks into violence that occurs in
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Alternative futures and popular protest 2019

Alternative futures and popular protest 2019The Twenty-Fourth Alternative Futures and Popular Protest Conference will be held on 15-17th April 2019 at the University of Manchester. From 1995 to 2018 this hugely successful series of international conferences has been organised by Colin Barker and Mike Tylesley
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Movements at the Millennium

Movements at the MillenniumSEATTLE+20 Movements at the Millennium Call for Papers: Special issue of the journal of Socialism and Democracy Summary. Twenty years after the so-called “Battle in Seattle” and the millennial turn, we seek papers that help explain the 1990s-2010s period of
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ECPR-COSMOS Summer School

ECPR-COSMOS Summer SchoolCosmos. The Centre on Social Movement Studies 2019 ECPR-COSMOS Summer School on Methods for the Study of Political Participation and Mobilisation The Call for Application is now open for the Third Edition of the Summer School on Methods for the Study
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The Digital Party. Political Organisation and Online Democracy

The Digital Party. Political Organisation and Online DemocracyPaolo Gerbaudo From the Pirate Parties in Northern Europe to Podemos in Spain and the 5-Star Movement in Italy, from the movements behind Bernie Sanders in the US and Jeremy Corbyn in UK, to Jean-Luc Melenchon’s presidential bid in France,
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Hybrid Media Activism | Emiliano Treré

Hybrid Media Activism | Emiliano TreréHybrid Media Activism: Ecologies, Imaginaries, Algorithms By Emiliano Treré Description This book is an extensive investigation of the complexities, ambiguities and shortcomings of contemporary digital activism. The author deconstructs the reductionism of the literature on social movements and communication, proposing
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España ante Venezuela Fernando Castaños

España ante VenezuelaEl problema de Venezuela: la legitimidad El miércoles 23 de enero de 2019, Juan Guaidó, máximo representante de la Asamblea Legislativa de Venezuela, se auto-proclamó presidente encargado de su país. Sustentó su acto en una premisa que ha ido adquiriendo
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Entradas recientes

Convocatoria Revista Movimientos 2019
Ciclo de cine Movimientos Sociales
Seminario. La utopía política
La realidad social mexicana desde la ideología del humanismo marxista Guillem Compte Nunes
Hacia el “Diálogo por la Verdad, la Justicia y la Paz” Johan Gordillo García


Movimientos e Instituciones

Análisis y discusión de acciones colectivas, protestas y movimientos sociales desde una pluralidad de perspectivas teóricas, metodológicas y científicas. 



Espacio para pensar y reflexionar sobre las condiciones de incidencia de los ciudadanos organizados en las agendas y los espacios públicos. 

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