
February Happy Hour

New folks are always welcome!

We're back at Public School 303 for happy hour this month! February 6th from 5:30p to 7p. RSVP here.

Let's go skiing!

A group of us are planning to go skiing on February 16th- likely up at Snowy Range in Wyoming (lift tickets are $35 bucks!). I'll be doing a lesson for several folks that haven't been skiing before- so if you want to learn this is a great trip. Not posting this on the meetup- so email me at if you want to go.

Ronald McDonald House

Thanks to everyone that came out to help us cook dinner for folks staying at the Ronald McDonald House!

Dues are due!

October marked the start of the new Kiwanis new fiscal year! If you haven't yet please fill out this membership application  (just the first page up to the 'Receipt' section) and bring it with you to the next happy hour/volunteer project.  Dues are $100 for the year (or $50 if you are an alumni of CKI or Key Club) and can be paid by making a check out to the Kiwanis Club of Denver.

Many people's workplaces are happy to cover these costs (we can provide a letter if you need for your work). If you'd rather pay via Venmo shoot Austin an email at

If you have questions feel free to let Austin know at

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