
Afro Latinx Connection

Sign up for the co-programmed trip to the California African American museum here! We will be discussing a variety of topics while fostering community and solidarity! Limited spots are available! 
Meme of the week!

Happy Week 4!

Hello beautiful members of ALC de UCLA!

Sorry for the double email, there was a typo on our GBM time. We wish you strength and luck we we approach midterms! WE HAVE A GBM THIS THURSDAY @ 7pm in the CAPS Large Conference room!  We will be discussing the widely debated difference between Afro-Latinx & Black and Latinx folks. We have an our documentary screening on February 20th, see the flyer above for more details. You don't wanna miss out. 

T-Shirt Time!
If you ordered a T-Shirt they will be available at the next general body meeting! If you cannot come please contact Ky'Tavia ( Don't worry if you missed the shirt order this time, click here to order. 

Cultural Survey for Social Media
Hey familia! We want to make sure that everyone feels represented on our socials, meaning that we're actively making posts about your cultural traditions (this can be food, songs, dances, or anything that is culturally significant to you), countries you represent, historical figures that are important to you, significant days of remembrance/celebration/independence, ETC! Please fill out this google form so we can post what you want to see!

We have stickers of our logo available! They’re 2$ each. Please Venmo @kystafford or $kystefani for your sticker. Cash is accepted. You can pick them up at the next meeting, or reach out to any e-board members. 

Google Calendar
Our lovely Community Outreach Co-chair Crystal, created a Google Calendar for the club. Click here to join and stay updated!

Social Media
Follow ALC on Instagram @ALCdeUCLA. DM us to nominate Moreno/a/xs for our Moreno Crush Monday! Follow us on Twitter/Facebook too, @ALCdeUCLA. 

If you haven’t already please join the group me here! We have a lot more mini events and hangouts that we announce there,

We hope to see you Thursday!
Thank y’all for being a part of this organization. Have a good week everyone!

Con amor,
Scholarships are now open to all states. Please apply and share with other undocumented folks. 
Copyright © 2019 Afro Latinx Connection, All rights reserved.

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