Weekly Insights

Toxic takeover: how not to fail as a boss

By: Rob Salome | Posted on January 31, 2019

A friend of mine recently had a new boss take over his company.

When I say take over, I mean “take over.” 

They came in on a rampage; cancelling major projects, berating employees, subverting leaders, criticizing employees behind their backs, etc. It was toxic and spread throughout the organization like wildfire. 

Little does this boss know, soon he will be standing alone wondering how he is going to get everything done while simultaneously tap dancing in front of his own boss. 

Toxic behavior can take a lot of forms.

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Muscle Memory Challenge 

Consider this: How often do you seek out feedback from a colleague? Feedback, whether positive or constructive, can help to boost your productivity. For this week's MMC, seek out feedback from someone on your team. By receiving this input, you will help yourself to continue improving on stuff you are struggling with as well as capitalize on those things you are doing well. 

We want to hear from you! Give it a try this week and shoot us an email ( to let us know about your experience with the MMC. Your stories will be published in next week's newsletter!

Great Reads from Around the Web

8 Must-Have Transformational Leadership Qualities
Why you should read it: Because "you might think you know what a "transformational leader" is. But it's entirely possible you've never even met one." "In word, deed and appearance, transformational leaders must exude confidence, kindness, openness and rationality in equal measure. Think you're up to the challenge?"

What We are Listening to...

How to Challenge Directly and Care Personally
Coaching for Leaders

Why you should listen: Having a high EQ is critical for leadership success. Build yours by listening to Kim Scott, advisor of Twitter, DropBox, Qualtrics, and more, talk about the importance of bringing your "real self" to business relationships. Learn why it is important to solicit feedback and how to do so within your team. 

Quote of the Week 

"The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." 

– Harvey Firestone

What People are Saying...

I shortened one of my deadlines to practice Parkinson's Law. I was surprised to see that I was able to successfully complete the task in less time than normal. 
- Zoe Q
Completing my small tasks first gave me some momentum in the office last week. I won't be putting those off anymore.
- Chad L

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