Waitsfield Elementary School Rocks! 

January 31, 2019
        5th/6th graders engaging in a good cup of tea as a component within their study of the American Revolutionary war and colonial history. We can see how tea and a biscuit is a lovely habit to have.

Dear Friends and Families, 
      Mother Nature has definitely demonstrated we are not in control over the past few weeks. From last week's missed school (and newsletter) on Thursday (which made for a VERY short school week!) to my "too soon" decision to cancel our winter sports program yesterday, there have been no shortage of reminders that our own efforts to predict weather and/or follow our desired schedules take 2nd seat behind nature.  I made the decision to cancel based on predicted high winds and wind chill factors. In retrospect, had I waited until morning to make a decision, I would have seen the updated predictions that pushed those conditions until much later in the day-- and prevented us from missing what was a fabulous day! While I know how much easier it is to plan when we know of a cancellation in advance, I will now be much more cautious about making an advance cancellation and wait until the morning. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. 

Next Thursday, Scrag Mtn Music, pictured above, will be performing for Waitsfield and Moretown Schools, here in the Waitsfield gym, at 10 a.m. They have generously made a private concert opportunity available, as they did for us and Warren School last spring.  This performance, especially for kids, features the acclaimed Aeolus String Quartet and Scrag Artistic Directors performing Three Billy Goats Gruff by James Balentine and The Ugly Duckling and B.B. Wolf by Jon Deak. Family members are invited to join us if they'd like, but please let us know in advance so we can set up seating accordingly.Thank you to the Waitsfield PTA for paying our contribution to this performance.


 HUUSD School Board Meeting Update:  January 16, 2019

Dear members of our six town community,
Below please find the votes and key agenda items from the HUUSD board meeting on January 16, 2019.

1. Approved the following items as part of the consent agenda for December 19, 2018:  Approve 12/19/2018 meeting minutes; Accept board warrants totaling $708,085.77, approve board buddies for student representatives, authorize reporting in one segment for grade for grades 7-12, confirm announced FY 2020 tuition rate, approve Winooski Valley High School Choice agreement.

2. Engaged in in-depth discussion about HUUSD budget.

3. Moved to ask HUUSD administration to provide specific STEM amounts for CBMS and HUMS, so BOD will have details on time students spend in STEM classes at CMBS and HUMS, respectively.

4. Moved to accept EPC committee’s recommendation to direct HUUSD administration to determine if CBMS can “house” all 7/8 graders, as well as W/D 5th and 6th graders. Accepted the recommendation with an amendment to ask the superintendent to put initial calculations of what the administration already knows in writing to help the EPC determine next steps. BOD also directed EPC to determine list of variables to consider in determining operational expenses and/or cost savings.
Our next HUUSD board meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019 at the HUHS library.  

Please note this meeting follows our recently adopted HUUSD board agenda format, with the first hour spent with committees meeting individually from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.  The full board will come back together at 7:00 pm.
Please visit wwsu.org for board packets, agendas, and minutes - and to find the link to watch board meetings. The direct link to watch this and past meetings is: https://mrvtv.com/category/school-board-meetings/
Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
The HUUSD Board

Kindergarten students exploring, as part of their study of people around the world, exploring how while eggs might look different on the inside, they are indistinguishable on the inside. 

HUUSD School Board Meeting Update: January 23, 2019

Dear members of our six town community,

At our last meeting on January  23, 2018, the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) Board took action on the four (4) items below (listed in order of the time in the meeting when the vote occurred):

  1. Approved the following items as part of the consent agenda: Approve Minutes of 1/16/18, Accepted board warrants/voucher #1159 for $91,775.48

  2. Approved the warning of questions to put before voters on town meeting day, including the school district expenditure of 38,600,862 and the allocation of $1,000,000 from FY2018’s fund balance to the district’s maintenance reserve fund.

  3. Agreed to distribute two optional questions to all board members for information to include in a board manual (in a Google form).

  4. Agreed to the vision committee communicating with Sue McCormack to discuss the formation of a visioning plan and timeline.


At this meeting, we also heard the first report from the Student Reps, and received updates from the following committees: Policy, Personnel, Asset Management, EPC (Harwood Bond), Vision.    

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 13 at 7:00 pm and will be held in the Harwood Union High School library. Duration will depend on the agenda, which will be set by the Monday before the meeting. There will be committee meetings immediately prior, also in the library, starting at 6:00 pm. Committees generally alternate meeting times and meet every other board meeting. For more information on the SMART goals that drive these committees, check the HUUSD board web page.

Please visit www.wwsu.org/huusd-board for board agendas (including committees that are meeting), detailed minutes, HUUSD Smart Goals for the 2018-2019 school year, and to find the link to watch board meetings. The direct link to watch this and past meetings is: https://mrvtv.com/category/school-board-meetings/

Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
The HUUSD Board
Christine Sullivan (Waitsfield)  *Chair, Caitlin Hollister (Waterbury)  *Vice Chair, Alycia Biondo (Warren), Hannah Clark (Student Rep, class of 2019), Carlton Cummisky (Student Rep, class of 2021), Jill Ellis (Fayston), Gabe Gilman (Moretown), Linda Hazard (Moretown), Jake Lynn (Student Rep, Class of 2020), Garett MacCurtain (Duxbury), Maureen McCracken (Waterbury), Theresa Membrino (Fayston), Melissa Phillips (Waterbury), Torrey Smith (Duxbury), Alexandra Thomsen  (Waterbury), Rosemarie White (Warren), Rob Williams (Waitsfield)

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Fifth and Sixth Grade Dance   February 8th, 7-9pm, at the Warren School. Admission is $2. Snacks will be available for purchase.

Family Round Table   January 31, 5-7pm, Steak House Restaurant, Route 302, Berlin.  All parents raising children with special needs are invited.  Seating is limited so please RSVP to Judy Paterson at 802-476-3006 or email judyLITPR@vffcmh.org  Dinner is free.

MAKE YOUR OWN VALENTINES  Saturday Feb 9th and Sunday Feb 10th, with Jill McManus at Kids Creations, ages 7-14, $20 per child (all supplies included).  There is limited space.  To find time slots available on each day and to sign, up go to KIDSCREATIONS802.com or call  802-505-0774. 

The Hungry Heart   A screening and conversation about opioid addiction in our community has been rescheduled for February 13th at Big Picture Theater, 6pm. Join the Mad River Valley Libraries for a screening of "The Hungry Heart", a documentary by Bess O'Brien that shares the often hidden world of prescription drug addiction and recovery. Primarily shot in Franklin County, Vermont, the film takes an intimate and powerful look at those who have been swept into the downward spiral of addiction, and highlights the struggles and hopes of recovering addicts and their quest for a better future. Matt Whalen from the Vermont Department of Health will also be on hand to help facilitate a discussion of the opioid crisis and how it manifests in our community. Light refreshments will be served, and the event is free and open to all. Generously sponsored by the Big Picture Theater, MRV Libraries, Capstone Community Action and the MRV Community Fund. 

Dance Theater Camp with Taryn Noelle, at Montpelier City Hall Arts Center, for ages 9 and up, Monday-Friday, Feb. 25-March 1, with shows March 1&2. The camp will focus on The Impossible Voyage from the inspiration of HUGO. To enroll call 802-229-0492.

Mad River Valley Little League  Youth baseball for Boys and Girls 4-12 years old.        We are excited to announce that registration for 2019 Little League season is open.  We have some exciting changes for 2019.  We are creating a new softball field to be used for girls’ softball and also for T-ball.      To register, please click the link to our registration site. 
The league has 6 different levels of play:
T-Ball for 4-6 year old boys/girls
Farm League (coach pitch) for 7-8 year olds
American League (minors) for 9-10 year olds
National League (majors) for 11-12 year olds
Softball (minors) for 8-10 year old girls
Softball (majors) for 11-12 year old girls
There is some flexibility, depending on skill level, to ‘play up’ to older leagues.  
The season runs from May 4th (practice starts earlier) until mid-June.  All Star teams (optional) run later into the summer for the American and National Leagues.
-Registration is open now @ www.madriverbaseball.com
-In person registration night: Thursday, March 14th 6:00PM @ Waitsfield Elementary School.

Registration is now open for the 2019 Spring Lacrosse Season @ www.madriverlax.com . We have had a few issues again this year with registration via our website, but please give it another shot and let us know if you have any questions.  
Mad River Valley Youth Lacrosse will offer both girls and boys lacrosse again this year.  There are three separate grade levels including 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, and 7th-8th. Equipment will be provided for 3rd-4th-grade players as supplies allow.  We will also offer a Sunday morning program for 1st-2nd-grade boys and girls that we call “Chill Lax.”  First timers are welcome at every level.Registering at www.madriverlax.com as early as possible is highly recommended, as teams often fill to capacity.  Player space is open on a first-come, first-serve basis. Team assignments will be provided by March 1, 2019.  Coaches encourage athletes who might play other spring sports to try lacrosse. Our season is short and we try our best to accommodate other spring sports schedules.

Read and Play Fridays at the Moretown Town Hall    Starting Friday January 25th, 10:30-11:30am.           Come to the Moretown Town Hall on Fridays this winter for a chance to play big and small, and then finish our time together with a few stories and songs. Recommended for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. For more information contact moretownlibrary@gmail.com or call 496-9728.

Dungeons and Dragons   Saturday, February 2nd. Both new and seasoned players welcome to come enjoy this legendary fantasy role playing game at the Moretown Town Hall. Bring your own character made from 5e, or play one of ours. Recommended for ages 10 and up.  


2/6/19  Winter Sports Program, 12:15-2:35
2/12/19 PTA Meeting, 6pm
2/13/19  Everybody Wins Literacy Night, 6pm
2/13/19 Winter Sports Program
2/19/19  6th Grade Band Festival, 7:45-11:00, Harwood
2/21/19  Snow date for 6th Grade Band Festival
2/25-3/5 Winter Vacation 
3/6/19 School Resumes
3/6/19 Winter Sports Program
3/12/19 5th/6th Grade Choral Festival, 7:45-11, Harwood
3/12/19 PTA Meeting, 6pm
3/13/19 5th/6th Grade Choral Festival Snow Date
3/13/19 Winter Sports Program
3/18-3/22 PTA Book Fair
3/18 Preschool Screening for any child who will be three years old by 9/1/19, 8am-11am
3/20/19 Winter Sports Program
3/21/19 Family Conferences, 2:30-7pm
3/22/19  No School For Students
3/22/19 Family Conferences 7:30-12:00
3/28/19 K-6 field trip to Cirque Esprit at Stowe Peak
3/29/19 5th/6th Grade Play Performance: James and the Giant Peach



Voluntary Recall: Infant Ibuprofen Oral Suspension (liquid)

Tris Pharma, Inc has expanded its voluntary nationwide retail recall of Ibuprofen oral suspension drops, USP, 50 mg per 1.25 mL. This is due to health concerns associated with a Higher Concentration of Ibuprofen than what is advertised on the product.

Information in the recall notice indicates the product was sold at WalMart, The Family Dollar and CVS Pharmacy.


Please use the following link for the complete FDA Recall Notice and list of affected lot numbers --https://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm630112.htm


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