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Hello again, dear Rainbow Scribe Family!

The month of January breezed by on a high note for me. January 1st was my birthday and ALL of the people I personally love wished me a happy one! My heart, mind and soul has been experiencing a constant state of joy through each day since then and I want to share a Peanuts cartoon that keeps reminding me how to keep and maintain 7th dimensional thinking in my daily life. 7th dimensional thinking goes beyond whether the cup is half empty or half full - 7th dimensional thinking sees the cup of life as filled to the brim and overflowing and the following cartoon epitomizes this perfectly! So I am holding this vision on into February too!
A heartfelt thank you to all those who sent my friend Denali in Alaska a financial donation to help with the repairs to her home after the earthquake. This generosity touched her heart and brought a smile to her face amidst the chaotic energy of all the aftershocks that have been taking place. 
Every morning when you wake up, say out loud,
“My Light, help me to see clearly all that I am and can be,
Help me to know that I can move mountains,
To take what is best and let go of the rest.”

Excerpt taken from:

The Hilarion Connection, Book Three

Have a super happy month!
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