
Hey Everyone,

We’re heading into the last week of January and can I be honest with you guys? I’m normally a huge goal-setter, goal-doer, excited for the New Year type of gal, but this January has been a bit different for me. Eddie and I had lunch the other day together, just him and I, which is RARE to say the least. I was telling him how I had been feeling a bit off. I went on to explain some things brewing inside of me, new interests, new topics I’m curious about, which adds to a long list of other passions and hobbies of mine that don’t quite all fit together. And do you know what Eddie said? He said “Eunice, I think it’s great that you’re in a funk. Sit in it. See what brews in this.” Funny as it is, it was a HUGE relief to hear that from him. I thought I was supposed to quickly snap out of the funk and get back to my normally full schedule and routine, but I’m for sure...SITTING in the funk and asking God, what’s next? What’s my vision as unclear as it seems to me right now?

If you’re in this boat, can you send me a high five so I know I’m not alone? 😂As I find moments to really sink into my funk, I have been thinking about 2 things:

  1. VISION: What’s my vision? And ya’ll to be honest, I’m trying to figure out what that is.

  2. SIMPLIFY: My life is quite full (kids, helping to run a church, running my own business) and I’m trying to see what it looks like to take a step back and see what’s most important to me, instead of adding to the pile.

Let me know your thoughts about these two words: vision and simplify. What do they mean to you? As you ponder that, I want to share that our latest sermon on VISION is up on our podcast. And can I tell you something I’m proud of and a bit silly, it sounds GREAT! We finally figured out how to get the sound quality up, so please do me a favor and check it out :)

Listen To Our Latest Episode

Excited to see you this Sunday!



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