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the bulletin: January 2019

Sharing optimistic views.

Dear <<First Name>>

We have been using these monthly newsletters to share our views on political and economic events around the World (and the implications they have on your portfolio’s) for almost fifteen years. For the most part it has been an enjoyable and interesting aspect of our service, even when events have seemed at their darkest such as the 2008 Credit Crisis.

It is rewarding to seek out and find ways of managing your money positively, whilst maintaining manageable levels of risk. As one door closes another has generally opened, revealing further opportunities.

Strange as it now seems, the Brexit referendum and the election of President Trump have contributed to a period of unprecedented portfolio growth... with none of the prophecies of economic doom coming to pass and the lives of ordinary people continuing to improve across the globe.

However, as we are all only too well aware, our lives have now been completely disrupted by politicians who (regardless of their position on Brexit) have shown themselves to be unanimously unable to manage our national affairs competently. Aside from the Brexit nonsense emanating from every corner of the political spectrum, we are now hearing nothing about the day to day needs of our Country and its citizens. 

Most of us prefer certainty and stability in our lives, so we can plan ahead with confidence. Yet our politicians seemingly strive with all their might to ensure these things are in desperately short supply! 

Europe's changing borders
Although Brexit is not a happy tale to recount, we still believe there are reasons to remain positive about life afterwards, regardless of how it is ultimately concluded. Putting things into historic perspective, we include a link here to a short clip on the changing shape of Europe over the past 1000 years, showing how it continuously evolves over time.

Despite the best efforts of our politicians, life will go on... and we optimistically look forward to a prosperous future.

Perhaps you’d like to discuss the topics raised above in the context of your own personal circumstances, or perhaps you’d just like to talk about another, unconnected financial matter?

We are always here to help. We don’t claim to have all the answers, to every question that clients throw in our direction, but we’ll do our very best to help, or at the very least we’ll point you in the direction of someone who can.

There are lots of ‘immediate’ ways of getting in touch. You can phone of course
01442 842538 or you could use Skype, or even FaceTime if you have an iPhone. However, if you’d initially like to think a matter through in greater detail and then send us an email instead that’s fine too and we promise to get back to you, just as soon as we can.
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