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Evaluating Truth

Tonight we hold our first Evaluating Truth session of the semester. It is a time when we point out a difficult truth claim by Christianity, some other religion, or even atheism, and we ask, "how would we evaluate or test the truthfulness of this claim?".

The specific example discussed tonight is the the scheme for evaluating what is true. This is known as the field of Epistemology - the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. (Google)

Is your faith merely an opinion? Or is it something you are reasonably justified to believe? These are some very prickly questions. Some have never thought about them, others have suppressed them, and still others (myself included) have embraced them, attempting to show that it is entirely reasonable to believe in the Christian truth claims. 

Our Philosopher Profile is Aristotle, presented by Treston Smith. He will focus on Aristotle's work relating to theories of truth.
Our Non-Christian Profile is Deepak Chopra - prominent New Age author and speaker who seems to revel in the nebulous.
Here is a representative Chopra quote:
"To define yourself is to limit yourself. Without labels you remain the infinite being." 

Emotionally, this resonates because who likes to be labeled? Who likes to be limited? In fact, it is a shock when we realize with age our abiities are fading. It is a shock when we are young to find others who are WAY better at something than we are. These limits are surprising and they sadden us. 
But we are not infinite beings.

How are we to evaluate statements like Chopra's?

Our guide in tackling this question is another Indian-born author and speaker Ravi Zacharias.
Savannah will present a profile of him, and DW will lead our discussion on Ravi's Three Tests for Truth.
  1. Logical Consistency
  2. Empirical Adequacy
  3. Experiential Relevance
Our main focus will be on test #1 - Logical Consistency with an emphasis on the Law of Non-contradiction, "Contradictory propositions cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense."

It is sure to be an excellent discussion. See you tonight at 6:30 PM in CFS 123 on the SHSU Campus. If you need parking, you can park on Bowers Blvd using the Pay by Phone App.

Snacks and drinks are provided by a generous donor at Faith Lutheran Church and School. Our worship time is at 10:30 AM on Sunday Mornings. Reply back to arrange transportation.

Love to all!


Why join Ratio Christi?

Are you a Christian who has a great relationship with Jesus, but who feels reluctant to share your faith because of the tough questions you might get? --- Then, this group is for you.

Are you an Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, Agnostic who wonders about how Christians can believe the crazy things that you have heard that they believe? --- Then this group is for YOU TOO.

If this sounds like "your group", then go to OrgLINK and become an official member.

We feature civil dialog. We believe that truth exists and can be known. We make a case (an apologetic) for Christianity, but we do this as ambassadors with gentleness and respect.

Come join us!

Darren Williams
Chapter Director and Faculty Adviser
Ratio Christi at SHSU

O God, from whom come all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works, give to us, Your servants, that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey Your commandments and also that we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may live in peace and quietness; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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Ratio Christi - Latin for the Reason of Christ - is here to discuss how the Christian world view addresses life's biggest questions of self-identity, moral obligation, and ultimate purpose. Click here for the Mission, Vision, and Goals of Ratio Christi.  Visit our blog for a thoughtful presentation of the Christian worldview.
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