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Yoga and Mindfulness
Stress Reduction for Lawyers

March, 1st  12:00-1:30P
20 S. Clark St. Suite 1450
Chicago, IL 

Find balance in your life through the practice of yoga and mindfulness. We will introduce you to the practice of yoga with poses designed to build strength, stability and flexibility, while creating an overall sense of calm and balance. Everyone is welcome.

Click for registration information! 

ALT NET: Axe Throwing 
March, 21st 6:30-8:30P
165 North Loomis
Chicago, IL 

LAP's ALT-NET group is bringing an evening of thrills, friendly competition and comradery with a traditional Canadian pastime of axe throwing! It is a great way to get out of the Chicago cold and burn off some stress and extra energy (and who doesn't enjoy throwing things?).

Click for more information + registration

Join our newest group, ALT-NET (Alternative Networking Group), every quarter for a great way to get out, have a little fun and network with other young associates and partners in the legal community.

2019 Bartylak Dinner 
April 4, 2019 

Keynote Speaker
Former Lieutenant Governor
Honorable Sheila Simon

Joseph R. Bartylak Award
Honorable James McCluskey, ISBA President

Executive Director Award
Cecelia Blue 

Sangamon Club
227 East Adams Street, Springfield 

>>Click for more information + registration

Sponsorship opportunities: 


LAP Deputy Director, Tony Pacione, LCSW, CSADC 

This article examines what you get for your $10 contribution to LAP from your annual licensing fee. Value and access, expertise, outreach and follow-up care, growing network of specialty providers and trained volunteers - the benefit is yours to reap! 

Through the collective efforts of our committed and expert staff, our dedicated and experienced Board of Directors, and the many committed peer support volunteers, you certainly get a lot for your $10

The end result is that $10 might save a career, a family or a life - you can't even buy 2 lattes for $10! So connect with us, whether you're considering, need to hear more, interested in meteing with a clinician, attending one of our weekly group sessions, or want to knock off your MH PR CLE requirement, we're here for you.

>>Full feature on the LAP BLOG


LAP'S Executive Director, Robin Belleau takes her talent to Kirkland and Ellis to champion wellness within the legal industry to lead their wellbeing initiative.

After eight years at LAP, Robin is leaving an undeniable mark by developing the organization, increasing our reach among attorneys, judges and law students, and so much more (see below!) We wish Robin the absolute best -- she will always have a special place in LAP history. 


By John Cesario, Senior Counsel, Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission, LAP Contributing Author. 

>>Full feature on the LAP blog

Sometimes everyday wellness can be simple, this app feature is your phone's "Notes" feature: 

Use the digital notepad to serve as a flexible space to unleash your monkey mind, mental notes, ruminations, worries, case memo's etc. Notes are flexible, available and 100% your's to occupy. 

Did you know has meditation content YOU can access cost-free 24/7/365?


Or modify either track for what you can give to yourself in that moment. Meditation is a way to break up the noise, break up the anger, frustration, depression, anxiety etc. Give it a try! 


Meet Jamie Dureno's Zoe. Zoe is a pre-teenager, Weimarner/Doberman mix  

Wellbeing Tip:  Pet owners have a lower rate of depression, and studies also show that they suffer less symptoms of depression when there is a pet in the home. Zoe does her part by greeting her owners at the door with a furry stuffed animal and a wagging nub of a tail each day after work, sure to ease the stress of any difficult day.

Check back next time for more #PETSOFLAP or share your pet with us! 

LAP's Executive Director, Robin Belleau honored at the Illinois Judges Association Luncheon for Excellence in Outreach.

Robin Belleau was presented with the Fresh Start Sober Living Award for her unwavering support and unrelentless guidance. 

LAP's booth at the ISBA Midyear Meeting won Most Informative Exhibitor. 

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all rights reserved.

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20 S. Clark St. Suite 450
Chicago, IL 60657

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