
God's Plans


Today's Revival Selfie :: The Patrasco's

Day 38 Scripture ::­ “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” -- Jeremiah 29:11-­13 (NIV)

Today’s Prayer :: “Lord, I’m so excited about the plans you have for us. How will you prosper our marriage, Lord? Just knowing you have a plan for us fills me with hope for the future. Even though the prayer challenge is coming to an end, may we never stop calling on you and coming to you as a couple in prayer. It is through prayer that you will reveal your plans for us. Thank you for your promise to hear us as we seek you with all our hearts. Amen.”


Today's Challenge

48 Hours for Love

If you only had two days left to be married to your spouse, what would you do with the time? What would you say to each other? What wrongs would you want to right? How would you kiss and hug? How would you pray?

A Letter from Randy Maxwell

Hello marriage revival couples! 

Our 40 days is coming to an end in just a couple more days. I pray this has been an amazing experience with God and with your spouse. In fact, I hope you've experienced a true spiritual and marital revival. And you know that revivals, if they are to last, must be followed by reformation. So don't let the good habits of prayer, and what you've learned about cherishing, forgiveness, communication, intimacy, having fun together, and applying the Word of God to your marriage end after Thursday. Keep the fire burning. Repeat the 40 days if you need to, but avoid lukewarmness in your marriage, and in your relationship with God at all costs. 

Many of the more than 200 couples who went on this marriage revival journey, came from all over the country. The word has gotten out about this experience and many want to know what it did for those who participated. I've been asked to write about the 40-day challenge and I would really like to hear some testimonies from those of you who took the challenge. Would you please share a brief testimony of your experience as a couple? Apprehensions going in, surprises along the way, and what this has done for your marriage? I would appreciate that so much. 

Also, how many of you here in Western Washington would like to get together for a nice couples dinner and sharing with the 2019 Marriage Revival class graduates? If there's enough interest, we can try to put something together that would be fun as a follow-up and re-charge.
Let me know!

Thanks again to each of you for going on this journey.
I pray this is only the beginning of more and deeper love to come. 

Randy Maxwell, WA Prayer Coordinator

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