New platform: {Patreon}
Patreon is a site where creators and their supporters - that is, patrons - can come together. I resisted doing this because I incorrectly saw the site as one primarily for "asking for money," a thing that I find very difficult to do.

But Patreon is more than that: it's a place for building community around a certain kind of work. If you like the stories I tell, whether by paint-and-brush or stand-up theology, I hope you take a look at the site and see if it interests you. I hope it does, and in any event, I welcome your feedback, positive or not. Many thanks!

I have already put up a lot of free material, as well as my first paid post: a 10-minute audio track of the first rendition of a new story, The Frog And The Scorpion.
New Performance:
"2024 • My 5-Year Plan & Why It Failed"
Winnie-the-Pooh meets The Road

Douglass Truth finds himself alone, walking across the parking lot of a burned-out Walmart. The year is 2024, and all your hopes have been dashed, and all your fears have come true. So you can chill out now: the worst has happened.

So now, walking down the lonely road, you can make friends with all the animals you meet and super interesting things happen.

Things you people wouldn't believe.

Next performance: AS IF Artists' Studio • March 15
Oregon Fringe Festival • 4 shows • April 2019
Exhibit and Performances
25 New or Well-Aged Paintings up until April 1.
Two Performances.
Photos of the venue below.
Find Out More
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