February 2019 

Making Gender Disclosure Part of the EITI Standard

By Rebecca Iwerks, NRGI

EITI partners like NRGI are calling on EITI to go beyond talking about gender to creating meaningful standards changes. Read how this decision could make EITI a leader among OGP orgs in institutionalizing international gender minimums here.

Rethinking How We Use Open Government in Public Service Delivery

By Maria Soledad Gattoni and Florencia Guerzovich

Discover how we can reframe our approach to deliver public services through open government here

Open Gov Week starts on March 11! You can now access our toolkits and social media graphics in English, Spanish, and French at
Faces of Open Gov
Shyamala Gomez
Executive Director, Centre for Equality and Justice

Determined to make her government more inclusive and responsive to the citizen’s needs, Shyamala advocated successfully for gender-focused commitments in Sri Lanka’s first and second action plans. Learn more about her and her work here

Making a Difference through Inclusion, SDGs, and Open Governments

By Victoria Pagano, United Nations Development Programme Ukraine

Open government initiatives, including the OGP co-creation process, can be leveraged to advance SDGs, especially when we involve local civil society organizations. Learn more here

We are now accepting nominations for government officials to take three seats in the OGP Steering Committee. Learn more about the process and submit your nominees here.
Employment Opportunities

2019 OGP Global Summit Event Logistics Consultant
OGP is looking for an Events Logistics consultant to help coordinate the 6th OGP Global Summit to be held in Ottawa, Canada from May 29-31, 2019. The consultant will be primarily responsible for supporting the planning and logistics of OGP-organized side events, such as the Civil Society Day, OGP Government Points of Contact Day, and the OGP Steering Committee Meetings, in coordination with the OGP Support Unit (SU). The consultant should be based in Ottawa, Canada. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2019.

2019 OGP Global Summit Travel Consultant
OGP is looking for a Travel consultant to help coordinate the 6th OGP Global Summit to be held in Ottawa, Canada from May 29-31, 2019. The consultant will be primarily responsible for supporting activities related to Summit travel bookings and logistics, as well as the participant experience. The consultant is expected to be based in Washington, D.C. and work partially out of the OGP offices at the Open Gov Hub. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2019.

Senior Program Officer, Africa and the Middle East
OGP’s Country Support team is looking for a Senior Program Officer to support the French-speaking national and local OGP members across Africa. The role will lead in supporting the development and implementation of high quality, relevant and ambitious OGP action plans and provide strategic leadership for the region. Priority consideration given to qualified candidates with the ability to start by April 1, 2019.
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national and local levels in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.
The third webinar in the inclusive open government series we're hosting with the Government of Canada, is March 13. Join us as we explore how to apply a gender lens to action plans. Learn more and register here.

Buzz on #OpenGov

- We have extended the OGP Academy Call for Proposals to February 22. Make sure to submit your proposals here.

- Open Gov Week starts on March 11! You can now access our toolkits and social media graphics in English, Spanish, and French at

- The database informing the upcoming OGP flagship report is now up! It combines all existing OGP data and additional external data from orgs working on open gov.


The World of #OpenGov

- Freedom House’s 2019 Freedom in the World Report indicates democracy is declining for the 13th consecutive year.

- Make sure to read Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perception Index and find out how your country is doing.  

- The World Justice Project just announced their 2019 Challenge: Access to Justice Solutions, a competition to identify, recognize, and promote good practices and successful solutions to improve access to justice.

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