
The Essential Guide to Leading a Global Team to Success 

International teams are here to stay. Learn how to unleash their potential.

Dear <<First Name>>

Some days I find it really hard to stay productive and I feel the diversity of technology I have to use is overwhelming me.

For instance, any time I have to bring in external support for a task, I have to overcome the challenge of data security regulations - who gets which access and when? 

There’s also the issue of time zones which, combined with the fact that fewer and fewer people respond to emails in a timely manner, forces you to follow up and collaborate via WhatsApp messages or even voice notes! All this fragmented communication, frankly, grinds my productive streak to a halt. I guess technology doesn’t always make our lives easier and we need to establish modern ground rules and etiquette to lead projects effectively.

This brings me to my primary discussion point for this week’s Club Sandwich: How does one effectively lead an international workforce? There’s no denying that global access to high-speed internet has increasingly allowed companies to have remote, as well as internationally placed teams of people collaborating together on projects. What can you do as a leader to bring out the best in your team members?

I believe there are two critical aspects to look to before and at the time of onboarding.

First, to understand that there will be a variety of cultures and social backgrounds in your team and your company’s values and mission need to reflect and embrace this diversity. This means understanding and honoring local traditions, religions, and customs. 

Second, ensure that you have a small, experienced team of global leaders like yourself dedicated to managing these global teams. 

Our guest blogger Brooke Faulkner talks about the best ways to lead an international team here.

I’d like to remind you that I’ll be offering the RockMeRetreat twice this year. If you feel, as a lot of us sometimes do, that you’re unable to make a breakthrough in your career, that your aspirations to become a Rockstar in your field are going unfulfilled, then the RockMeRetreat is just what you need to make your mark. It’s a seven-day leadership retreat in Southern Germany, a tailored experience that will help you appreciate your work more and improve your relationships.

If you feel out of sorts in a dead-end career, overwhelmed by the challenges of being an expat and find yourself losing touch with friends and family, then the RockMeRetreat is the catapult you need to escape that particular mental rat race. It’s as simple as applying for the program and having an exploratory session.

Remember, the RockMeRetreat is happening twice this year,

from 25 April to 2 May 2019
from 21 November to 28 November 2019.

You really have no excuse to not sign up for the opportunity to kickstart your career into high gear!

Let’s make 2019 the year we bring meaningful change to our lives, finally, unleash that well of untapped potential inside us and take the first concrete steps to become Global Rockstars!

Kind regards, 

Angie Weinberger 
PS: If you sign up to receive information this is not an obligation to join us. I will then be able to ensure that I contact you personally for a conversation. You only have a seat reserved once your enrollment fee is paid.

RockMeRetreat 25 April to 2 May 2019

The RockMeRetreat catapults you out of your mental rat race with a parachute. You will appreciate your work more, improve your relationships and most importantly, you will like yourself again. 

The RockMeRetreat is a seven-day leadership retreat in South Germany for six to eight Global Leaders.

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Develop your Global Competency

Why it is so difficult to come up with a good curriculum for Global Mobility? As you probably understood already the arena of Global Mobility is vast and no Global Mobility Manager will have all the answers. 

Read more here
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