
FEB 06 2019


Re-examining Bauhaus, election branding, and the person behind the egg that broke the internet

Credit: Photograph by Fabrice Fouillet. Walter Gropius, “Bauhaus School Dessau.” © 2019 ARS, NY/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

A welcomed history rabbit hole

The past, present, and future of Bauhaus—good, bad, and everything in between. Cozy up and take your time with this one.

Credit: Deroy Peraza

A political branding shake-up we can all get behind

“A diverse pool of female democratic presidential candidates is shaking things up at a time when our country is in desperate need of a new vision for leadership,” Deroy Peraza writes. “They are leading the next big leap in presidential branding—breaking the RWB color barrier—and as a result, opening the door for change.”

Credit: Manuel Bürger, Transmediale 2019 trailer still

Inside one of experimental, multimedia design’s coolest minds

Electronic music. Berlin. Design. I mean...if we didn’t pique your interest with that list alone...

Credit: Quartz

Naming is hard. There. We said it

Lexicon Branding has been naming products for decades. They’ve invested heavily in linguistics, and seem to be onto something (anyone reading ever hear of Swiffer or Febreze or Blackberry?). Give this short video a watch and get learnin’.

Credit: CSS {In Real Life}

365 days of utility classes

“In this article, I’ll summarise what I’ve learned from adopting atomic CSS in an agency context over the past year, and where it might or might not be appropriate to apply it.” So, what are you waiting for? Read on.

Credit: Foster Commerce

Two of our favorite fellas talkin’ shop

Our very own Noah Bernsohn and our friend—mastermind behind Field Notes—Jim Coudal were on a podcast to talk about brand, e-commerce, and Craft CMS. We really think you should give it a spin.

Credit: The New York Times

The person behind the egg with more digital clout than Kylie Jenner

52 million people liked a picture of an egg on Instagram. Meet the person who is the blame for such a statistic.