Shame on them!
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Shame on Scientific American and E&E News for Lying about John Christy

Scientific American, apparently following the lead of E&E News, headlined its report of Dr. John Christy’s appointment to the federal Environmental Protection Agency “Scientist Who Rejects Warming Is Named to EPA Advisory Board.”

The truth—which E&E News and SA undoubtedly know, is that John Christy most certainly doesn’t “reject warming.” He manages the NASA satellite data that are our best source for truly global, all-latitudes, all-longitudes, all-altitudes atmospheric temperature, and he openly reports that warming has indeed happened. He also accepts that human action has contributed to that warming, perhaps being the primary cause, though he thinks natural causes probably outweigh it. He denies that human action is the sole cause and that the warming from human action is known to be dangerous to catastrophic–and that curbing warming is more cost-effective than adapting to it.

It’s one thing to disagree with someone’s scientific opinion. It’s another to lie about it.

Receive Human Caused Global Warming: The Biggest Deception in History, by Tim Ball, Free in February! 

Human Caused Global Warming: The Biggest Deception in History  examines the claims of human induced global warming made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) using proper journalistic and investigative techniques.

It explains how it was a premeditated, orchestrated deception, using science to impose a political agenda. A deception that fooled a majority including most scientists, who assumed that other scientists would not produce science for a political agenda.

German Physicist and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls finally decided to look for himself. Here is what he discovered.

Ten years ago I simply parroted what the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and data—first I started with a sense of doubt but then I became outraged when I discovered that much of what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense and was not even supported by any scientific facts and measurements. To this day I still feel shame that as a scientist I made presentations of their science without first checking it.…scientifically it is sheer absurdity to think we can get a nice climate by turning a CO2 adjustment knob.

This book uses the same approach used in investigative journalism. It examines the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. We will send it to you absolutely free as our "thank you" when you give a gift of any size to the Cornwall Alliance before the end of February, while supplies last. All you need to do is request it using promo code 1902. You can  make your gift at our secure online website, or by phoning 703-569-4653, or by sending your check to Cornwall Alliance, 9302-C Old Keene Mill Rd., Burke, VA 22015. Don't forget to mention Promo Code 1902!

Dr. Timothy Ball is a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Ball is also Chief Science Advisor of the International Climate Science Coalition an a Policy Advisor to The Heartland Institute. With a doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College, England, his comprehensive background in the field includes a strong focus on the reconstruction of past climates and the impact of climate change on human history and the human condition.

Dr. Ball is a researcher/author of scientific papers on a range of environmental issues. He has co-authored a paper for the scientific journal, Ecological Complexity, with Baliunas, Dyck, Soon, Baydack, Legates, and Hancock titled "Polar bears of western Hudson Bay and climate change: Are warming spring air temperatures the 'ultimate' survival control factor?" He is also co-author of the book Eighteenth Century Naturalists of Hudson Bay (2004 - McGill/Queens University Press) with Dr. Stuart Houston, one of the world’s leading authorities on arctic birds.

God Bless You,

E. Calvin Beisner
Founder and National Spokesman

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The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation seeks to magnify the glory of God in creation, the wisdom of His truth in environmental stewardship, the kindness of His mercy in lifting the needy out of poverty, and the wonders of His grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ. A coalition of theologians, pastors, ministry leaders, scientists, economists, policy experts, and committed laymen, the Cornwall Alliance is the world’s leading evangelical voice promoting environmental stewardship and economic development built on Biblical principles. The Cornwall Alliance is a non-profit religious, charitable, and educational organization. All gifts are tax deductible.

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