Carpentry Clippings, 6 February 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Carpentries Conversations: What happens during a Code of Conduct investigation?
Did you miss the inaugural Carpentries Conversation? The Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee hosted a discussion about how we handle CoC investigations. Check out the slide deck from the presentation, and contribute to the GitHub issues for updating our Code of Conduct documentation. The recording for this session is available on our YouTube channel.
Carpentries Community Discussions: What's new with Library Carpentry?
Mark your calendars for the next Carpentries Community Discussion! On February 28 (15:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC), we will hear from the Library Carpentry Community & Development Director, Chris Erdmann, about some of the recent activity in the Library Carpentry community including curriculum development and the recent Maintainer onboarding discussions. Sign up on the Community Discussions Etherpad.
Community News
Executive Council Update
The 2018 Executive Council, representing the first unified governance group for The Carpentries, recently held its last meeting for their term of office. Some of the major points of discussion included transfer of responsibilities to the 2019 members and how to streamline processes (such as elections) in the next year. The term of office for the 2019 Executive Council officially began on February 1, 2019; one of the major areas of focus for this group will be the medium to long term strategic vision for The Carpentries. Meeting minutes are available here.
The Carpentries Staff Updates
Congratulations to Jonah Duckles on his new role with AbacusBio! Jonah has stepped down as the Director of Membership and Technology, but will continue to serve The Carpentries community as a regional coordinator for Oceania and Asia community development and in working with The Carpentries Champions. Since joining Software Carpentry in 2013, Jonah has guided The Carpentries mission and has built enthusiasm and support wherever he goes. Congratulations also go to Elizabeth Williams, who has transitioned to Director of Membership and will be continuing to support institutional members and develop our membership program moving forward.
Library Carpentry Implementation On Track!
As mentioned in a recent blog post, a number of steps needed to be taken by Carpentries staff and community members to fully integrate Library Carpentry as a Lesson Program in The Carpentries. We're happy to report that this work is well on track, thanks to many people in the community. We'd like to encourage everyone to peruse the Library Carpentry website and onboarding material and continue to contribute to and connect with Library Carpentry and The Carpentries in general.
Committee and Task Force News
Code of Conduct Committee
The Code of Conduct Guidelines Task Force has revised the Reporting Guidelines, Enforcement Manual, and Incident Response Procedure for our Code of Conduct. We invite community members to comment on these documents until 9 February 2019 via GitHub issues. The task force will review and incorporate comments and feedback. The extent of needed revisions will guide next steps, but we plan for a release or close-to-final draft by the end of February. The CoC Committee is also actively seeking new members. To learn more or get involved, contact
Discussion Hosts
In January we ran the Discussion Host Onboarding for Community Discussions. Our Community Discussions have gained popularity, and we are always looking for hosts. You can find the recording for the onboarding session on our YouTube Channel. Find out more about community discussions, including how to lead one, in our Handbook.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
We blogged about The Carpentries in Africa, including a Carpentries Connect event in Johannesburg, South Africa and a look back on the African Task Force in 2018. On the Discuss list, people shared suggestions for lesson materials for teaching remote computing. We announced a new #LibraryCarpentry channel on Slack.
Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings
Lead, Knowledge and Research Exchange, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON, Canada
Various Faculty Positions, via University of California Davis Advancing Faculty Diversity Grant, Davis, CA, United States
Registration and call for proposals are now open for the first European Carpentry Connect conference in Manchester, United Kingdom, from 25 to 27 June 2019. The conference seeks to address the issue of sustainability of scientific software and research through training. See conference website for more details and to register.
Digital Preservation Project
Dr. Rhiannon Bettivia's Digital Preservation class at the iSchool at University of Illinois, United States, assisted The Carpentries with digital stewardship.
Students explored challenges The Carpentries was facing as a uniquely large-scale distributed digital community, presented their findings, and made recommendations around workflow modeling common to digital preservation.
Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things Sprint
Teams around the world including libraries, universities, and research labs joined The Carpentries in completing the first round of Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things. The Sprint introduced a new form of lesson material, called "Things", for training and engaging with your community on the topic of FAIR. If you have an idea for a Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things, contribute here.
Other places to connect
Have something you’d like to have included? Send it to