
Talking to your boss/funder/colleagues about equity in data and alternatives to RCTs.

We've been having lots of exciting conversations about my two presentations at Evaluation 2018 in Cleveland. The first talk was on looking carefully about what RCTs are actually the gold standard of and some excellent alternatives that are probably improvements. The second talk was on Feminist Data and how to pay careful attention to (often accidental) sexism, racism, colonialism, etc in your data products. As people have gotten more involved with these conversations, there is a growing need to be able to start these conversations with your bosses, funders, and colleagues. To make this easier, we've developed two "Talk to Your Boss" sheets - one to accompany each talk.  They're free to download and distribute wherever you'd like.  Here's the RCT one. Here's the Feminist Data one.


- Heather Krause

P.S. What should I talk about for my presentation at the AEA Conference this summer? Let me know in an email reply!

Data For Black Lives is an absolutely fantastic organization founded by Yeshimabeit Milner. The organization describes themselves as "a group of activists, organizers, and mathematicians committed to the mission of using data science to create concrete and measurable change in the lives of Black people."

Today, discrimination is a high-tech enterprise.

I attended their conference remotely - since it was entirely sold out by the time I got my act together - and it changed and improved my approach to many aspects of data and tech. The conference videos are up on their YouTube Channel and I strongly encourage you to check it out and get involved.

We'd love to hear your stories of data equity problems, learnings, and successes.

If you have a story or idea you want to share, send me a note by replying to this email.

Project for Equity in Data Science
Copyright © 2019 Datassist, All rights reserved.

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