In today’s day and age, we’re no strangers to superheroes, whether they’re the ones wearing skintight suits and flying through the air in movies and comic books; the visionary philanthropists tackling seemingly insurmountable obstacles; or the firefighters, nurses, and foster parents of the world.

What if you don’t fall into one of those immediately identifiable boxes?  What if you like living a small, quiet life?  Can you still change the world?

Yes.  A thousand times yes.

The best part is …

… are you ready for this?

You’re already changing the world every day.

Don’t believe me?  Think of it this way …

What if holding the door and offering a smile for the elderly man walking in behind you wasn’t simply a polite gesture but a kindness shown to him on a day when his grandkids couldn’t be bothered to talk to him on the phone for his birthday?

What if the encouragement you offer on a writer’s Instagram post isn’t just one in a hundred similar responses but tips the scale between them deciding to write that day or letting it slide?

What if the short story you release for free on your blog doesn’t reach a thousand readers but inspires the one person who does read it to follow their dreams?

Changing the world doesn’t just mean saving a city from annihilation by a supervillain, sourcing clean water for undeveloped countries, or rescuing a toddler from a burning building, although those are all incredibly important.

The world is changed every day, for better or worse, by the way we choose to live our lives, by the causes we support and the way we treat the people around us and the passions we pursue.

So the question then becomes, how will you change the world?

What will you do the next time you’re tempted to skip a writing session in favour of watching an episode of your favourite TV show?

What will you do when you’re this close to finishing the edits on your novel and you get a text from your partner, saying they’ve had a rotten day?

What will you do when a story idea connected to a cause you care deeply about comes to mind, and it’s a little frightening but exciting, too?

To be clear, I don’t think there’s a wrong answer to any of those scenarios, even if it seems like an obvious choice or a trick question.  Your life looks different from everyone else’s and only you know, from moment to moment, what feels right for you and where your priority needs to be.  What I hope is becoming clear is that, no matter what you do, you’re changing the world.  You have the power to do amazing things and you are doing amazing things.

Don’t ever forget that you, too, are a superhero.

A writing prompt just for you ...

Your character has one "guaranteed success" card to play in life: one thing they can bring into being, one thing they can achieve, or one thing they can change with 100 percent certainty of its success.  What do they use this card on?
Craving more?  You can find past writing prompts right here!

Lately on Something Delicious ...

I have a post in the works on planning a year of writing, but for now I've been popping in on Instagram more frequently with writing tips, my thoughts on the latest Riverdale episode (how about that film noir-style?), and flashbacks to my days as a Girl Guide.  Please come say hi, if you like! ^_^ My username on Instagram is victorialynnfry, if you prefer to look it up directly.


For inspiration ...

I've been catching up on Outlander (the TV series, not the books, at least not yet), and, oh my goodness, it has one of the most incredible soundtracks I've ever heard.  If you're craving inspiration, I highly recommend checking it out.  Here's a link to the Season 1 Soundtrack on Spotify: click here to listen!
So, I have a confession to make ... I've set myself a goal to have my current work-in-progress ready to enter into #PitMad in September.  It's a little daunting, to be honest, but it feels like this is a year for daunting goals in my little corner of the world.  Eep!

How about you, creative soul?  What dreams and plans do you have this year?

Happy writing!
Copyright © 2019 Victoria Fry, All rights reserved.

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