
In this Issue:

Letter from Yvonne
Behavior Patterns of the Facilitator
Teaching Children to Respect Their Peers
Educator of the Month
Anna's Blog

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Anna's Friend's is a Registered Trademark program of
books and curriculum that educate parents, educator's and children about their God-given motivational gifts.
Dear Anna's Friends!

Anna's Friends is beginning our fifth year as an educational tool for parent's and educators that help them discover their children's and student's God-given motivational gifts based on Romans 12:6-8.
Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us,
each of us is to use them accordingly:
if [someone has the gift of] prophecy, [let him speak a new message from God
to His people] in proportion to the faith possessed;
if service, in the act of serving; or he who teaches, in the act of teaching; 
or he who encourages, in the act of encouragement;
he who gives, with generosity; he who leads, with diligence;
he who shows mercy [in caring for others], with cheerfulness.

These gifts show up at a very early age (I've seen them manifest as early as age four) and are with us throughout our entire lives. Those who have followed Anna's Friends have learned that these gifts are in 100% of all humanity and are given for the express purpose of expanding God's love on the earth.

Children with special needs are not exempt! As a para-professional in an ESE classroom (Exceptional Student Education) I have recognized one child with a strong gift of serving, another with a gift of exhortation, and yet another with a gift of teaching (ages 7 to 10) just by watching their predominate behavior throughout the day. This is helping me relate to each child at their level of gifting.

Discovering your child's or student's gifts can be fun and highly rewarding.

Thank you for growing with Anna's Friends!
You are a blessing,
Creator of Anna's Friends ®
Behavior Patterns of the Facilitator
Your facilitator (administrator - leader) is full of energy and spunky attitude sometimes! They seem to be rebellious at times and very independent, quite frankly, because they are the take charge kind of humans.

1. Are they exhibiting patterns of the appearance of laziness? 

When your child's gift of facilitation kicks in, beware! These children will grow to become effective delegators when they undertake a project. Since this is a primary trait of facilitator's (unlike the servant who would rather do it themselves) they will often appear to be passive and not connected to the task at hand. They trust those they have given jobs to, then go about their merry way.

2. Does your facilitator show tendencies toward bossiness?

This is also a part of their gift when delegating. They instinctively seem to know the gifts of others and seek out those they need to engage in their projects. Mary, do this; Johnny, do that; Henry, take this to Susie. These kids have no problem telling others what to do. They just need to learn some tactfulness when delegating--and be sure that they learn how to give instructions to those they assign tasks to.

3. Does your facilitator have a tough time admitting to making mistakes?

They are quick to blame-shifting when things go wrong. Because your child’s goal is to accomplish a project quickly and efficiently, they often assign tasks without giving instructions. Be sure and teach them how to give instructions. This will make life easier for both the facilitator and those who assist them.
Teaching Children to
Respect Their Peers
We can tell our children to respect their friends and peers, however, if they do not understand why, this can be a monumental task. Did you know what respect meant when you were a child? I didn't either. We can start by telling children, "We are all different", or "There are no two snow flakes alike" (Hmmm - has anyone ever counted all the snowflakes?), but this still doesn't clarify why they should respect others. We must get down to the nitty-gritty truth with kids. Read the rest of this blog post.
Educator of the Month
I am excited to be returning to the 2019 FPEA Annual Convention.
Plan to stop by our BOOTH SPACE 1025 and browse new products.
See you there!


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