UC Master Gardener classes                                                          View this email in your browser
Dear Home Gardeners: We've added more classes and events to our schedule, including an additional edible landscaping workshop! Some locations have limited seating, so please sign up early. We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions!

Grow Great Strawberries | February 23 | Watsonville
Replace Your Lawn | February 23 | Santa Cruz 
Introduction to Edible Landscaping | February 24 | Felton

Starting Your Spring and Summer Vegetable Garden | March 2 | Salinas
Bee-wise Beekeeping on the Central Coast | March 2 | San Juan Bautista
Planting and Caring for Dahlias | March 2 | Santa Cruz
Wildlife Pests of the Garden | March 24 | Felton

Container Gardening Basics & Beyond | April 7 | Felton
Introduction to Edible Landscaping | May 18 | Santa Cruz
Planting & Caring for Succulents | June 2 | Quail Hollow

Home Composting Workshop | March 23 | Salinas

Click here for a complete list of our classes and events. 

February Classes


Grow Great Strawberries

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

UC Cooperative Extension | Watsonville
1430 Freedom Blvd, Suite E
Watsonville, CA 95076

Learn all about the different types of strawberries to grow, optimum site selection and preparation, best watering and fertilization practices! Integrated Pest Management for strawberries will also be discussed. 

Save Your Seat for Growing Great Strawberries


Replace Your Lawn!

10:30 am – noon

Costanoa Commons | Santa Cruz
335 Golf Club Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Learn about the advantages of replacing your time and water consuming lawn with drought-tolerant California native plants. Instead of gazing at gopher mounds, invite the birds, butterflies, and bees into your yard.

Need additional incentive? Neal Christen, Water Conservation Representative from the City of Santa Cruz Water Department will provide information about their Lawn Replacement Rebate Program.

NOTE: Seats are limited to 16 at this location.

Save Your Seat for Replace Your Lawn


Introduction to Edible Landscaping

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Quail Hollow Ranch | Felton
800 Quail Hollow Road
Felton, CA 95018

Designed for beginners and intermediate gardeners, this course will cover introductory topics including why to do it, why not do it, how to do it and what to plant. We will provide ways to add a single edible to your existing landscape, add edibles to container gardening, and creating a small 100 sq ft patch. 

NOTE: There is no cost for the class, but Quail Hollow Ranch collects $3 for use of the facilities.

This class is full. Check out Introduction to Edible Landscaping in May.
Edible Landscaping is FULL

March Classes


Starting Your Spring & Summer Vegetable Garden

10:00 am – noon

UCCE Auditorium | Salinas
1432 Abbott Street 

Salinas, CA 93901

Learn to plan your vegetable garden: From when and where to plant everything to whether you should plant seeds or use transplants. What is the difference? We'll cover what needs to be done to have a great spring and summer harvest, including how to keep weeds down and vegetables growing. This class welcomes gardeners with all levels of experience, from beginners to seasoned gardeners looking for new ideas.
Save Your Seat for Starting Your Vegetable Garden


Bee-wise Beekeeping on the Central Coast

10:00 am – noon

San Juan Bautista Historic Park

Mariposa and 2nd Streets,
Plaza Hotel, State Park Entrance,
San Juan Bautista
Bee-Wise Beekeeping on the Central Coast is an introduction to honey bees and the origin and races of Apis mellifera. Topics will include the life cycle of honey bees and the colony, the bee yard and bee keeping equipment. This class will discuss bee keepers interaction with the hive during the seasons as well as the purpose of swarming, splitting hives and rearing queens. Problems such as colony collapse disorder (CCD) will be explained. 
Save Your Seat for Bee-wise Beekeeping


Planting & Caring for Dahlias

10:30 am - noon

Costanoa Commons | Santa Cruz
335 Golf Club Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

In this hands-on class, you will learn to select, plant, cultivate and care for the many types of dahlias. bring your garden gloves and a trowel and practice planting dahlia tubers! 

Note: Seats are limited to 16 for this class.

Save Your Seat for Planting & Caring for Dahlias


Wildlife Pests of the Garden

Quail Hollow Ranch | Felton
800 Quail Hollow Road
Felton, CA 95018

Wildlife that roam your garden can be a joy to behold but can cause great frustration when they ruin parts of your garden. Learn integrated pest management methods for controlling vertebrate pests. This class will explore pest behavior, identify the damage they cause and management strategies using traps, barriers, deterrents and by incorporating pest-resistant plants. We will be covering common pests including gophers, squirrels, voles, rats, deer, and birds.

NOTE: There is no cost for the class, but Quail Hollow Ranch collects $3 for use of the facilities.

Save Your Seat for Wildlife Pests of the Garden

Upcoming Classes


Container Gardening Basics & Beyond

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Quail Hollow Ranch | Felton
800 Quail Hollow Road
Felton, CA 95018

This class covers how to pair the right pot with the right plants and where to place it for optimal growth and vigor! Home gardeners with small spaces, balconies or large yards can enjoy growing plants in a variety of vessels. Explore container types and sizes, potting soils and amendments, light and water requirements, pruning and integrated pest management techniques to support a thriving container garden. Whether you are growing food or ornamental plants, singular specimens, mass plantings or trees, this class will cover the keys to keeping your potted plants flourishing.

Note: There is no cost for the class, but Quail Hollow Ranch collects $3 for use of the facilities.

Save Your Seat for Container Gardening Basics & Beyond


Introduction to Edible Landscaping

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Costanoa Commons | Santa Cruz
335 Golf Club Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Designed for beginners and intermediate gardeners, this course will cover introductory topics including why to do it, why not do it, how to do it and what to plant. We will provide ways to add a single edible to your existing landscape, add edibles to container gardening, and creating a small 100 sq ft patch. 

Note: Seating is limited to 25 for this class.

Save Your Seat for Edible Landscaping


Planting & Caring for Succulents

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Quail Hollow Ranch | Felton
800 Quail Hollow Road
Felton, CA 95018

POPULAR! Learn about the fascinating varieties of succulents, planting techniques, soil selection, propagation by cuttings and divisions and ongoing care including watering, fertilizing and pest management. Everyone will get hands-on instruction planting succulents in a pot they can take home. Please bring a special container with a drain hole for your planting. Class includes a succulent swap, so everyone is invited to bring succulent cuttings to share with one another for our plantings and to take home.

Note: There is no cost for the class, but Quail Hollow Ranch collects $3 for use of the facilities.

Save Your Seat for Planting & Caring for Succulents



Backyard & Worm Composting Workshop

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Rancho Cielo | Salinas

710 Old Stage Rd
Salinas, CA 93908

UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties is proud to offer a composting workshop in conjunction with Salinas Valley Recycles. This one-hour workshop is offered at no-cost and bilingual. Turn kitchen scraps and yard trimmings into rich soil amendment. There will be an opportunity to join a raffle for a worm bin and redworms.
Copyright 2019 UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties

Our all-volunteer organization offers no-cost gardening and landscaping advice to home gardeners in our beautiful Central Coast region. For more information on classes, resources and advice, please visit our website.
Copyright © 2019 UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, All rights reserved.

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