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Two great SHL events

Tomorrow, Sunday February 17

Dear <<First Name>> <<Last Name>>,

Monthly Gathering: Wheel of Jeopardy Feud! 4 PM

Time: 4 PM at Gage Hall, 4 Archale Street
Description: Get to know your fellow humanists just a little bit better. Come for a crazy game show get to know you good time. There'll be fun AND prizes! Of course, we'll go out to dinner afterward. 

Potluck in the Park: Feeding the under-served 12:45 PM

Sunday 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Mall Playground
68 Columbus St, Charleston, South Carolina 29403

Please bring food, drinks, paper and plasticware for the weekly community "potluck" for the needy in Mall Park in downtown Charleston. Potluck in the Park organizers do this every week! SHL tries to volunteer to bring the food quarterly, in rotation with other groups. We always make a difference!

SHL members help serve the food. A recommended menu is below. Potluck in the Park provides tables, and table cloths, chaffing dishes, plastic gloves and water.

It is okay to just drop food off and not stay to serve if you like.

We set up at 12:45 and start serving at 1 pm. Kids and teens welcome. Please join us!

Recommended menu (please reply with what you will be bringing):
(We can expect 70-100 people)

Green salad with dressings on the side - Ranch seems to be a favorite
Potato salad, pasta salad or other starchy cold salads
Meat or Main dishes with meat, sandwiches
Sides or main dishes without meat, vegetarian sandwiches
Hard-boiled eggs (easy to take away for later)
Bananas or other easy-on-the teeth hand fruits
Drinks - Anything is fine, but PLITP brings a drink cooler with water so dry tea or punch mixes are popular.

Paper plates or clamshell take-away boxes
Plastic forks
Paper napkins
Plastic cups - 8-12 oz
Condiments (they usually have some leftover from past weeks, but not always)


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