Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 33, February 22, 2019

Upcoming Week at a Glance
Leader in Me Habit of the Month
Lost and Found OVERFLOWING
Volunteer Corner - New Opportunities!  Please Help If You Can!
February Lightning Leaders
PTA Corner
PDQ Gift Cards for Sale at Reduced Rate
Yearbook Sales End in One Week!
Sports Tryouts Coming Soon - Girls Flag Football, Girls and Boys Hockey, and Co-Ed Track & Field
Lutz Preparatory School Inc., Board of Directors Accepting Resumes Through March 15
8th Annual LP Golf Outing - Registration Now Open
Lost or Broken Headphones
"Read" It Forward Book Drive - Donations Being Accepted Through March 8
Middle School News
Gently Used Athletic Equipment Drive - Coming Soon
Middle School Students Visit Florida Senate
Kindness Week Pictures - Check Us Out!
Summer Camps 3-5 year old and K-5 Schedule & New Vendor Camps - Register Now!
Show on the Road Students Get Invited to Disney Workshop
  • Monday, February 25:
    • Wear Your "Pay It Forward" Shirt
    • PDQ $10 Gift Cards Available for Sale at Reduced Rate of $7
  • Tuesday, February 26:
    • School Wide Writes
    • 8th Grade Families:  Dr. Kiran C. Patel High School Town Hall in Gym
  • Thursday, February 28:
    • PTA General Assembly Meeting
    • Board of Director Meeting
    • 8th Grade DC Trip Parent Meeting
  • Friday, March 1:
    • PTA Mother Son Event
    • Snow Ball Fight Box Top Collection Contest Ends

Ongoing Items:
  • Media Center Book Drive Through March 8th
  • Board of Director Resumes Accepted through March 15th
  • Register for Lutz Prep Golf Outing Through Thursday, March 21st (or until sold out)
  • Keep Clipping Box Tops

Habit of the Month


February:  Synergize
I value other people's strengths and learn from them.  I get along well with others, even people who are different than me.  I work well in groups.  I seek out other people's ideas because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than what any one of us could alone.  I look for Third Alternatives.
Parent Tip of the Week:  Combining your genius with your friends genius… is GENIUS!

March:  Sharpen the Saw
I eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep (body).  I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school (brain).  I spend time with family and friends (heart).  I take time to find meaningful ways to help people (soul).  I balance all four parts of myself.
Parent Tip of the Week:  Take time for yourself so you can be your best self.

Lost and Found Overflowing Again: All non-labeled items will be donated at end of month.
Edsby Questions?
Report Absences to:
Important Dates
3/4-8:  Teacher Appreciation Week at Lutz Prep

3/6:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

3/6:  Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day for Synergize Level and Above

3/8:  Final Day to Donate to Read It Forward Book Drive

3/8:  Middle School Spring Dance

3/12-15:  8th Grade Field Trip to DC

3/12:  1st Grade Field Trip

3/13:  PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Meeting

3/13-14:  Hearing Screenings - Kinder, 1st, & 6th

3/14:  Lightning Leaders Ceremony

3/15:  End of 3rd Quarter Grading Period

3/15:  5th Grade Cyber Bullying Presentation with Officer Vito

3/15:  Final Day to Submit Resumes for Board of Director Openings

3/18-3/22:  Spring Break, School and District Offices Closed

3/25:  Teacher Planning Day, Non Student Day

4/9:  Elementary Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks

4/10:  Middle School Report Cards Available Online Only
Academic Calendar

Volunteer Corner

You must be approved via the 18-19 HCPS volunteer application to volunteer on our campus.  

  • Father Daughter Dance:  Help Still Needed
    • Click HERE for Sign Up Genius
  • Mother & Son Fun Volunteers Needed:  New Sign Up
  • Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius
  • Assistant Track and Field Coach Needed Starting March:
    • Practice starts in March and competitive meets are scheduled in April and ends in early May if our athletes qualify for states.  If you are interested and want to learn more please contact Coach Mollick.  
  • Lutz Prep's Odyssey of the Mind Club needs judges for an upcoming competition at Bloomingdale Senior High School
    • Judges will be trained on February 23rd from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Bloomingdale H.S.
    • The competition is on March 2nd also at Bloomingdale H.S. Time are TBD.
    • If you are interested please email Mrs. Gorski

Congratulations to our February Lightning Leaders

  • Kindergarten:  Payton S., Caitlyn C., Marcello L., & Delaney D.
  • First Grade:  Chloe A., Roderick V., Stella A., Ella M., & Zain V.
  • Second Grade:  Luke P., Jonah C., Addison G., Annabelle C., & Asher F. (not pictured)
  • Third Grade:  Andrew V., Akshay C., Isla P., Gavin S., & Saharsh R. (not pictured)
  • Fourth Grade:  Addison S., Matthew W., Cail S., Luke H., & Julie M. (from January)
  • Fifth Grade:  Beau B., Maya L., Georgia G., & Danika B. (not pictured)

PTA Corner
PTA General Assembly Meeting
Please join your PTA executive board and members for our next general assembly meeting on Thursday, February 28, at 8:30 AM in the Pre-Prep cafeteria.

Mother Son Event -
Click HERE for printable RSVP sheet.
Volunteers Needed!  Check out the Volunteer Corner section above to sign up.

Thank you One 55 for sponsoring our Father Daughter Dance in addition to being a Gold Level Bolts of Blue Sponsor. 

Box Top Campaign
Remember to collect all year long!  This year each classroom has a collection goal of 300 each month and 1800 by the end of the year!  Classroom collections will be tallied monthly and for the classes that achieve their monthly goals they will be rewarded!  

The winning grade level will win A Snow Ball Fight!
Collection Contest ends March 1, 2019!
Each homeroom class must collect a minimum of 300 Box Tops for the months of January AND February in order to qualify for the contest!  The grade level that collects the most will be the winner!  Winner will be announced on March 2nd.  Don’t forget to use the Box Tops app!

Please follow these simple steps to help make our collection drive run smoothly:

  1. Neatly cut and sort your Box Tops and place into baggies or print a fun collection sheet from HERE and adhere the Box Tops.
  2. Place your child's name and homeroom teacher's name on the baggie or collection sheet so that he/she receives credit.
  3. Baggies can be dropped off in the collection mailbox in the front lobby or with your homeroom teacher.  
DID YOU KNOW?  Box Tops expire 4 times a year: March, June, November and December, the 2 big expiration dates are March and November!  The school gets 10 cents for every little unexpired rectangle that is turned in!

PDQ Gift Cards for Sale
Lutz Prep has partnered with PDQ to enhance the education of our LP students.  PDQ has allotted Lutz Prep a limited number of $10 gift cards that are available for purchase for only $7.  We are pleased to sell these cards at a 30% discount to our Lutz Prep families & friends as a perk.  These cards are good at all PDQ locations and do not expire!
Sales begin February 25th and will last until the inventory of cards is depleted.  All proceeds raised from the sale of these gift cards will go directly back to our school for programs that benefit our children.   
It's simple:

  1. Complete the form below detailing the amount of cards requested and amount paid.   Limit is 10 cards per family due to the limited supply.  
  2. Attach payment to this form.
  3. Return to your homeroom teacher.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our business manager,Diana Jenkins, at  

Click HERE to print order form.


Parents, please make sure you are ordering the correct school, the K-8 public charter school has a different yearbook than the preschool with different order codes.  

ONLINE ORDERS ONLY, no checks or cash will be accepted at any time for yearbook sales. 
  • Lutz Preparatory K-8
    • Regular sales at $35 will run through March 1, 2019.
    • and enter code:  32389D
  • Lutz Pre-Prep
    • Regular sales at $25 will run through March 1, 2019.
    • and enter code:  32247M

Sports Tryout Information Coming Soon for 5th-8th Grade Athletes
Be on the lookout for email early next week regarding tryouts for the following competitive sports teams for our 5th - 8th grade students. Tryouts will be held the first week in March.

  • Girls Flag Football
  • Girls Hockey
  • Boys Hockey
  • Co-Ed Track and Field

Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. Board of Director’s Announcement
The Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. (Lutz Prep) Board of Directors is currently accepting resumes for board positions.  A board position is a three (3) year term.  A board member's position is unpaid and comes with a fiduciary responsibility to oversee the approval of policies and the school's budgets.

Lutz Prep is focusing on expanding the Board to bring in a variety of personal and professional experiences bringing a diversity of opinion and expertise to further strengthen the talent and depth of expertise that exists currently.  Furthering the Board's responsibilities of establishing and maintaining policies that guide Lutz Prep in its successful execution of its mission and vision, we are looking for someone to bring a forward thinking approach to building our standing within the community and community partnerships providing a firm foundation in our long term success as a growing K-8 elite charter school.

Resumes should be submitted to no later than Friday, March 15, 2019.

Please click HERE to view full announcement and description of responsibilities.

8th Annual LP Golf Outing
Our goal is to have the Lutz Prep Golf Outing the highlight of the season!
Every dollar we raise will help support the future of Lutz Preparatory School.

Registration Deadline Thursday March 21st or until sold out. - Register Today!
Questions? contact Bobby Fox @ -  (813) 528-0904

Lost or Broken Headphones?
If a student has lost or broken headphones, they must either:

  1. Bring in their own (standard earbuds will work as well)
  2. Bring $5 to the front desk in an envelope with their name and “headphone replacement” written on the front if they would like a replacement pair from the school.


"Read" It Forward Book Drive
In the spirit of our school's "Pay It Forward" initiative, Ava A. (7th grade) and our Lutz Prep Library will be hosting a book drive. 

Please bring new or gently used books to the Media Center to donate to the Sullivan Partnership/Metropolitan Ministries.  The books may be for Toddlers through Middle School levels (no adult level books, please).  WITH TWO WEEKS REMAINING (BOOK DRIVE ENDS ON MARCH 8TH) WE ARE collectING, sortING, and deliverING the books WE HAVE ALREADY COLLECTED.  THE REMAINING WILL BE DELIVERED BEFORE Spring Break so all the area children will have some great reading during their time away from school.

Update on Donations Drive:  A TOTAL OF 1602 books that have been donated SO FAR, with 5 MORE BOXES WAITING TO BE COUNTED.  KEEP IT UP LUTZ PREP!!  THANK YOU!

Please take this time to do a little book "Spring Cleaning" and "Read" It Forward!   Presented by:  Ava A. and Mrs. O'Sullivan, Library Coordinator

Middle School News 

8th Grade DC Trip Parent Informational Meeting
Please meet in the LP main building cafeteria on Thursday February 28th at 6:00 PM.

Need Homework Help?
Homework Club is offered to middle school students Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 PM.

  • Students are able to have a quiet place to complete their homework
  • There are National Junior Honor Society students and a middle school math teacher present to help answer questions

8th Grade Families:  Informational Night Town Hall hosted by Dr. Kiran C. Patel High School
We hope you can attend this informational session hosted by Dr. Kiran C. Patel High School staff to learn more about this new charter school option for upcoming 9th graders.  Town hall will be held in our LP gym, enter through the back door of the gymnasium.  Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 6:00-8:00 PM.  Click HERE for flyer with full details.  

Lutz Preparatory Visits the Florida Senate, House of Representatives, and Supreme Court
A group of Lutz Prep 7th and 8th graders had the opportunity to travel to Tallahassee, Florida last week to visit with a number of state’s executive leaders, legislative leaders, and lobbyists. Highlights of the trip included the students presenting a bill to reduce standardized testing through a mock senate session, a sit down with current Attorney General, Ashley Moody and Secretary of State, Laurel Lee and running into the mayor of Tallahassee at the Historic Capitol.  Students also toured the House of Representatives and were able to sit on the bench in the Supreme Court.  It was surely a visit to remember.

Gently Used Athletic Equipment Drive - Coming Soon
Pay It Forward - Play It Forward!  Please join LP families and the Tampa Bay Sports Commission as we collect GENTLY USED Sports Equipment that will be donated to families in need.  Please start checking your garage for old equipment your children have outgrown or do not use anymore. Collections bins will be available after Spring Break.  

  Our school had a wonderful week thanks to Student Council's Kindness daily activities.

More photos coming in next week's NEWSFLASH!  So proud of our LP Bolts!

Summer Camps 2019!
Lutz Pre-Prep & K-5 Summer Camps Schedule Announced -
Register Now to Reserve Your Space!

There's so much to enjoy about summer, particularly our fun-filled and educational based summer camps.  All of the Lutz Preparatory Camp Counselors are teachers from our Preschool or K-8 school.  We also offer camps hosted by vendors at our campus. 

  • Pre-Prep & K-5 Summer Camps Announced!  Click HERE for registration and schedule.

Please visit the Summer Programs section of our website linked below for a full listing of all camp offerings and registration packets.  Please contact 

Camps Hosted at Lutz Preparatory by Outside Vendors
Please note, Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any other websites to which we provide a link and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.   

Camp Invention
Click HERE to register online.

Lutz Preparatory is once again hosting Camp Invention on our campus in the summer of 2019.

Unmask your child’s creativity this summer in the all-new Camp Invention® program, Supercharged, where children transform their wild imaginations into epic creations. Campers in grades K-6 will code robots and use collaboration and creative problem solving during hands-on, STEM activities.  Click HERE to register and find current promotions or call 800.968.4332. 

For children entering grades K - 6 

  • Cost: $230  
  • Program Dates:     6/10/2019 - 6/14/2019
  • Program Length:  5 Days
  • Program Times:     9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Camp Director, our very own teacher, Mrs. Ground

Show on the Road Presents
Mary Poppins Jr. Summer Camp
Ages 6-14

Enrollment requires a single registration form, or conveniently register online via!
Contact: Jessica Schoenfeld at (813)943-2695 and for questions or more information.

June 10-14 and 17-21 $400 per child
9:00 AM-3:00 PM

The camp will conclude with a performance of MARY POPPINS JR. at Lutz Prep. Performance time to be announced. 

This 10-day musical theatre style summer camp will include various daily classes in singing, acting, and dancing while rehearsing for their performance. Students will explore the technical theatre aspects of creating a show, such as costumes, set, and prop design. They will gain insight into the professional rehearsal process for real working actors.  Students should bring a packed lunch and snack.

Show on the Road Student Selected for Disney Workshop
Show on the Road was selected again this year to study with Disney artists and to perform at Disney Springs.  The following LP students auditioned and were selected out of 130 Show on the Road students across Hillsborough County.




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