Carpentry Clippings, 20 February 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Library Carpentry Calls
Library Carpentry continues its monthly calls with topics including the Research Organization Registry Community, Universal Design for Learning, and Stencila. More details, including a full calendar of events, can be found here.
Themed Discussions
As part of our series of community calls, Library Carpentry will host a themed discussion exploring what’s new in the community on 28 February 2019 at 1500 and 2300 UTC. Our Workshop Administration team will host a call about getting involved with The Carpentries in New Zealand on 11 March 2019 at 1300 NZDT. Similar calls for other parts of the world (including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom) will be scheduled in the next few months.
Community News
Job Plans and Projects
During its recent in-person meeting of staff and contractors, The Carpentries focused on teamwork and community - two guiding principles that shape our values. We have seen significant growth in our community of Trainers, Instructors, and other committees and task forces. With this growth, we recognize the need to balance routine work and larger projects, and are rolling out job plans, teams, and projects. Read more about our work in this blog post.
Committee and Task Force News
Code of Conduct Committee
The Code of Conduct committee recently closed its RFC for Code of Conduct documentation and would like to thank everyone who submitted feedback. This input ensures we have a plan that is fair, transparent, and easy to follow. The Committee will be working over the next few weeks to update documentation and reporting procedures and look forward to sharing updated guidelines soon.
Trainers discussed how to be inclusive of trainees with varying levels of experience with The Carpentries. They also discussed setting expectations for leading teaching demos, including selecting sample lessons and logistics like scheduling demo sessions. Our Instructor Training curriculum is under continuous development. Conversations about curriculum issues are always welcome from all community members (not just Trainers!) on our Instructor Training curriculum repository.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
On the Discuss list, people shared their techniques for delivering exercises to learners at a workshop. Calls for proposals for SciPy 2019 and PyCon Latam were announced. We also saw new interest in The Carpentries from Pakistan.
Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings
Postdoctoral Fellow in data science education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Computational & Data Science Workshop Facilitator (temporary), Northwestern University, Evanston & Chicago, IL, USA
A reminder that Carpentry Connect Manchester is just a few months away! Following the success of the inaugural CarpentryCon in Dublin last year, this event will include breakout sessions, lightning talks, and workshops. Read more about the event, including information about registration and the call for presenters.
Other places to connect
Have something you’d like to have included in our newsletter? Send it to