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Busting Foster Care Myths

At Turning Points for Children, we strive to connect with the best possible resource parents and families for foster children. You may not know it, but that person very well could be you or somebody you know! Since there are a lot of misconceptions about fostering children, we’ve compiled a list of common myths that you can share with people whom you think could be a good fit! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions, you can find more information and a contact form by clicking here.


Myth: Foster parents should be a married couple with parenting experience
This is definitely untrue! If you’ve been following Turning Points recently, we’ve been sharing the progress of Eric, a single parent of two newly adopted boys. His success is a testament to the fact that prospective foster and adoptive families come in all sizes. Turning Points for Children offers in-depth parenting classes and resources in order to ensure that the resource family is supported in every way possible. 

Myth: You need a large home to foster children
Plenty of resource families take care of one or two children at a time. All that is necessary is a bed and enough space for a child to be comfortable within the home. This is a great detail to bring up with Turning Points’ foster care specialists when contacting them for more information! 

Myth: You must adopt the children you foster
Turning Points connects foster parents with children whose needs fit their abilities. While commitment is critical, there are many differing reasons why a child may be in foster care and they may not need a temporary home for a very long time. A resource family could be looking to foster for respite care, regular care, or with eventual adoption in mind, and all of these are viable points to bring up with a foster care specialist who matches caregivers to children. 

Myth: Fostering children is too expensive
Resource families receive a stipend for taking in children, which is especially helpful when childcare is necessary on weekdays. Turning Points consistently hears stories of how rewarding fostering and adopting is, and they are certainly possible options for most financially secure households. 
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