
17th February 2019


Dear Friend,

Welcome to this week's BPPC eNews.

Amazing Love

The Bible says some interresting things about love which make us stop and think what it really is. Notice that (1) God is love (1 Jn 4:8), (2) If you don't love, you don't know God (1 Jn 4:8), (3)He teaches us to love (1 Thess 4:9), (4) We must stir up each other to love (Heb 10:24) and (5) we are commanded to love (1 Jn 3:23).

Love that Amazes

This love is not a queezy feeling, but an act of obedience, a decision to bless someone, a change in attitude as we learn to love and something I must encourage others to do. I guess love is "compassion in action" because it sees the situation of others, seeks to bless them by extending a loving hand and may leave them amazed.

The Danger of Love

Love should be "without hypocricy, fervent and earnest." This means genuine, boiling (not luke warm) and stretched (like an elastic band stretched to pull others in close). May we experience the reality of this love from above in our daily relationships with believers and unbelievers.

Have a great week walking with the Lord, basking in His love and loving others.

Pr André & Newsroom Team



Morning Service - 9:30 am

This morning Pr André will speak on “The Year of God's Favour and the Day of His Vengeance” from Isaiah 61 to 66. Throughout the book of Isaiah, yet more vividly in these last few chapters, the prophet labours the point that those who love God will enjoy Him forever and those who don't cast themselves on Him with contrite hearts will be separated from Him forever. Here Isaiah points out that while we are presently living in the year of His favour, the day of His vengeance is surely coming. Come and learn how to live in readiness for that day, but also how to enjoy His favour now.

Evening Service - 6:00 pm

This evening Pr André will preach on the theme, "Contend Earnestly for the Faith” from the short letter of Jude. When you read Jude, it seems as though he would have preferred to talk about God’s calling and love, or the great work of Jesus Christ, or even about God’s majesty and power. However, he senses the urgency to talk about fighting for the faith. Why? Come along Sunday evening to hear Jude’s reasons.


Kathy Frost's Post-operative News

Aaron Frost shares on Kathy's progress: "The surgeon said the surgery went extremely well. They think she may be home as early as tomorrow from how well she is recovering so far." Please praise the Lord for answering prayer, and continue praying for the next phase of her recovery.

Final "Tales from Timor Leste"

Lauren Crase writes, "Whether you are working as a stay at home mum, a nurse, an office worker or within the church, the harvest is ripe for picking where we are, and the Lord has very strategically placed you there for a reason. Some of you may be thinking, "Oh, I’m not very outgoing when it comes to sharing my faith..." Read more...
  • We continue focusing prayer on those who have serious physical challenges but let's not forget that there are others as Paul says, "And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all (1Th 5:14)." Some people are discouraged, depressed, oppressed, backslidden, hopeless, tired, stressed out, and all these things are easily hidden by a false smile so pray for them!
  • Remember to pray daily for our missionaries: Lucinda (and Moisés and Josilene Xavier as they hold the fort in Weberek while Lucinda is away), The Stewarts, John Rowse and Richard Wilson in their various situations.
  • Spiritual & Mental Devastation

    North Queensland is devastated by the floods! But the worst devastation of all isn't the material stuff that we see on TV, but rather the emotional, mental and spiritual devastation that has left farmers and townspeople in a daze, lost and without hope. Let's focus our prayer on these suffering people and pray that they might meet up with the Good Shepherd and the God of all Comfort.


Bring Them Along!

Time is running out to invite someone to the Franklin Graham Crusade as it's on tomorrow night. Read this hymn-prayer and then call someone to go along with you, or even to go alone. Read more...

Graham Crusade Bus Details

The bus for the Graham Event departs from the bus stop in front of the church at 5:45 pm on Monday afternoon. We'll meet in the church covered area at 5:30 pm for boarding.

Note: Any Prayer Volunteers (Counsellors) who need to check in with the Crusade orientators at 4:00 or 5:00 pm will have to make their own way there, or better yet, meet with Bob Harvey after church to arrange a carpool.


Annual Congregational Meeting

What a great chance to review what God did in 2018 and look forward to what He has for us in 2019. Don't miss the ACN this Tuesday, 19th February at 7:00 pm at the church. If possible, every member should be present.

Bring and Share Meal

On Saturday, 23rd February at 7:00 pm in the church hall we'll have a bring-and-share meal, and Lauren Crase will share her work and experiences in East Timor as well as her plans for the future.

Cans for Jesus!

You can support the advance of the Gospel among University students through Jako and Jess Schwartz by bringing your used cans and bottles to church in a plastic bag and placing them in the box behind the hall. Every 10c gained will help to save a lost Uni student. If you take them to the Salvos or some other depot, please use the code C10002955 to direct the funds to Jako and Jess.


Looking for a Home Group?

If you would like to join a HomeGroup - and we'd love you to - please check out the inside front cover of the monthly newsletter for days, times, places and who to contact or click here. Otherwise,  just talk to Pr André.

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