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March 2019

Esperance Community Arts Newsletter
Welcome to the new monthly Esperance Community Arts Newsletter!

Over the last few months we have been working hard on our new marketing and promotions plan, so our monthly e-newsletter has been on hold. 

We hope you enjoy this new format and we welcome your feedback. 

In this edition:
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Community Projects & Events
Some of the community partnership projects we've been working on:
Indigenous Languages and Arts Program
Nyungar Boodja: Welcome to Country Mural Project

We are very excited to be launching a very special new project this week - the Wanju Nyungar Boodja (Welcome to Country) Mural Project - supported by the Regional Arts Fund and the Indigenous Languages and Arts Program. We are also very grateful for the support provided by our local community partners - Horizon Power, Bunnings, Dulux, Leighton Haslam and the Shire of Esperance. 

This project is presented in partnership with Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation,  Seawater Families and Escare Incorporated. It will involve three murals created by professional mural artist Matt Adnate, three local Nyungar artists, and many other community members. 

Look out for information about upcoming community workshops starting this weekend and follow the progress of the murals on our Facebook & Instagram and on our website! If you are travelling past 54 The Esplanade you might even get to see the artists in action! 

Amazing! Some of Matt's previous mural work:

Arts funding: Jane Mulcock, Jo Aberle, Jennell Reynolds, Johnine Graham and Wanika Close besides a potential wall for a mural project.
Photo: Jake Dietsch via The Esperance Express
Act-Belong-Commit Warang Kaddatji Theatre Project
In February, Roochelle Rivers ran a video editing and storyboard workshop at the Esperance Community Artspace. Last week, she visited the Esperance Girls Academy to teach students how to use Go Pro cameras. These workshops are part of the Act-Belong-Commit Warang Kaddatji Theatre Project. The students will be documenting their upcoming Cultural Camp in April. They will then create a series of short videos. We can't wait to see the wonderful work the girls create!!
Other Indigenous Languages and Arts Program Updates

In addition to the Nyungar Boodja Mural Project and the Act-Belong-Commit Warang Kaddatji Theatre Project we also have another three partnership projects running as part of our Indigenous Languages and Arts Program. 

The Yorga Barmah Aboriginal Women’s Learning group, facilitated by Escare Incorporated, starts up on Monday 18th March at the George Street Centre. The first term in 2019 will feature the Yarning Dolls & Eco-Dyeing Program, to be delivered this year by Roslyn Rivers. Participants in the Yorga Barmah program will then identify their preferred activities for the following terms. Our goal is for all these activities to be delivered by Aboriginal artists/ facilitators. 

The 2019 Girls Academy Culture Camp is also supported by the ILA program. This three-day event was initially scheduled to run at the end fo February at the Duke of Orleans Bay Caravan Park but was cancelled due to the threat posed by bush fires in the region. The camp has been rescheduled for April 2nd, 3rd & 4th and will feature traditional dancing workshops, basket making workshops, storytelling and  other creative activities. 

The Yarning Dolls & Eco-Dyeing Program will also continue through the year with sessions being delivered in a variety of venues as requested. These sessions are available, free of charge, to schools, community service organisations and other community groups.  Below are some snaps taken from earlier this week!
Other Community Projects
Act-Belong-Commit Esperance Samba Project
Condingup Fair 
As you can see from the picture below, Esperance Community Arts was well represented at the Condingup Fair last weekend .. thanks, Pablo! Also, a big thank you to Joe and Ken (pictured below) and everyone else who assisted us in setting up and running the stall. It was a wonderful event to attend, with lots going on. It was great to see the wonderful Act-Belong-Commit Samba group in full swing (pictured below), and we also loved all the quirky art we saw along the way! 
The Sewing Circle
The Sewing Circle is an informal group led by Corrie Ambrose, which meets weekly to learn new sewing skills and create items from recylced materials. The Sewing Cirlce has been running for only a month and we have been blown away by the positive response from the community! It has been pleasing to see so many people come by to join in. It is free to attend (gold coin donation appreciated!) the Sewing Circle, and sewing machines and recycled matierals are provided, although feel free to bring your own.
The Sewing Circle runs every Thursday, 10.00am - 2.00pm at ECA Art Space.
Be Connected Program
Arts & Culture Trail Guide

There are always so many arts & culture events going on in Esperance... even we find it hard to keep up sometimes! Last year, we launched the Esperance Arts & Culture Trail. The trail book includes a self-guided tour (and map) of over 100 Esperance arts & culture destinations, while the website provides listings for local artists, arts groups & business, community organisations and public art & cultural sites. We are going to be using the Esperance Arts & Culture Trail Facebook page as a way of regularly promoting and sharing the events & work of these artists, businesses, and groups. We'd love for you to follow the Esperance Arts & Culture Trail Facebook page - it'll be a wonderful way to stay in the loop about all the going-ons around town.


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraisers

We have been cooking up a storm outside Bunnings over the past month. People have been particularly taken with our range of sauces and bread options! The money raised by Board volunteers at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle assist us in our operational costs. We thank everyone for their support & purchases, and hope to see you there again on Sunday 31st March. 
If you would like to assist us in running this sausage sizzle, please get in touch!

Arts Competitions /
 Funding Opportunities


The Clunes Booktown Festival is all about celebrating books and the great conversations and big ideas that come from them. The Festival is turning the stereotype of rural towns on its head: from slow, dusty and dry to a hub of ideas and the arts.Regional Arts Australia will be holding a stall at Clunes Booktown Festival to showcase the high calibre of authors, artists, and arts organisations across regional, remote and rural Australia. Regional Arts Australia invites artists and organisations to submit an Expression of Interest.

The Project Fund is designed to benefit regional and remote artists, arts workers, audiences and communities by supporting and promoting participation in, and access to, art and culture.
Find out more here

This International Women’s Day – Friday 8 March – we’ll be celebrating the women who make the arts happen in regional WA.
On Country Arts WA’s social media and website, we’ll be profiling the artists, arts workers, facilitators, teachers and advocates who make contribute to the thriving regional arts sector in our state.
Nominate here

If you 12 - 26 and have an arts project idea you would like to work on, the Drug Aware YCulture Regional offer might just make it happen. "This Country Arts WA grant offers up to $4,000 to fund community arts projects in regional WA across all art forms. Applicants living north of the 26th parallel (above Shark Bay) or in very remote WA can apply for up to $6,000.If you need an auspicing organisation ECA may be able to assist. Give us a call on 90 721158 for more details

Each year ESA offers a limited number of grants (of up to $1,500) to support ecology related local activities, events, and initiatives around Australia.

Eligible activities may include (but are not limited to): seminars; workshops; education initiatives; symposia; research chapter events; public forums; citizen science events; field days etc. Find our more here

Festivals Australia supports community participation in, and access to, the arts and aims to support partnerships and collaboration across the sector.
Find out more here

Presented by Hadley’s Orient Hotel, the Hadley’s Art Prize, Hobart is an annual, acquisitive Australian landscape prize, which offers $100,000 to the winning entry.
Find out more here

Now in its 10th year, the 2019 Marie Ellis OAM Prize for Drawing is open for submissions.
The Marie Ellis OAM Prize for Drawing aims to encourage excellence in drawing as an important foundation for any arts practice.
Find out more here


If you are into photography this is a fantastic opportunity to enter your photograph in the Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize, istudents are encouraged to enter. “Moran Prizes Contemporary Photography Prize has opened for 2019, calling for shots that illustrate life in contemporary Australia - with $50,000 for the winner. There's also multiple student prizes for younger photographers. Submissions close 6 March.” Find out more

Perth Centre for Photography is now taking entries for their Contemporary Landscapes in Photography (CLIP) award! Open to all photographic artists 40 works will be selected for public exhibition; plus $3,000 for overall winner, $1,000 for student, $500 for judge's choice. Submissions close 6 April. Find out more

Held every three years, with a different theme each year, the $25,000 acquisitive prize for painting calls for artists across Australia to consider the impact of human habitation on the environment. Entries close at 5pm on Friday 28 June. Find out more

Esperance Community Arts Membership
Did you know that annual membership to Esperance Community Arts is just $15. Membership offers many benefits to individuals and organisations. 
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