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(Cassandra Duffy)
So Christmas, New Year and January are over and we enter another cold, winter month. A bit of a “dead” month maybe with nothing special happening, no bank holidays to look forward to and wondering where the first month of the year has already gone. However it is an important month for the LGBT+ community in the UK.
Our worship theme this month is Gospel according to …. over arched by the fact that this is LGBT History month. It’s been 50 years since the Stonewall Riots, a series of riots that took place after a police raid at the Stonewall Inn on 28th June 1969. As this year progresses we will commemorate this more, especially as we move towards Pride in July. The Stonewall riots were a pivotal moment in LGBT rights and history.
When I consider that the Stonewall riots took place in 1969, 50 years ago that feels like a long time ago. Many of us may not have even been born then or if we were we may have been very young, I was only 3 when they took place so I certainly don’t remember them. When I look at where we are now it does seem like we have come a long way since then. But it’s not very long since Section 28, effectively banning any teaching or even discussing homosexuality in schools and other local authority run organisations, was repealed in 2003.
That’s only 16 years ago and much has changed in the UK since then. First Civil Partnerships and then Equal Marriage. People do seem more open to LGB issues, in-fact in some areas we might consider that being LG or B are no longer an issue.
For this we need to give thanks for all those who have fought for the rights we now take for granted and that is what LGBT History month is all about.
But we mustn’t forget the fights that are still being fought. The fight for the rights of our Transgender brothers and sisters. A fight that seems to occur daily on Twitter and in the real world. Where some women’s groups are fighting against transgender women being included in the rights that all women have because they don’t see them as women!
The fight for LGBT+ rights in the 72 countries around the world where same-sex activity is still outlawed. A reality for those of our friends we know who are seeking asylum in the UK because they are LGB or T.
So as we look back and celebrate the things that have happened over the last 50 years, let’s also look at the present and the work that still needs to take place and see what we can do. Let’s use this “dead” month of February to start or continue our own fight to improve the rights of other LGBT+ people.
17th February 2019
All aged service
St. James URC Church
(Service followed by shared table & fellowship)

17th February 2019
Reflective Service
St James URC Church

24th February 2019
The Gospel According to St. Luke
(LGBT Herstory)
St. James URC Church

What is a Prayer Space?
It is a chair, or a corner, even a walk-in cupboard……a place where we feel at home talking to the God who loves us. God doesn’t care where we talk from; a bus stop, a garden, office loo, back of a building (with or without a ciggie) serve just as well, but when we don’t know what to say, or the silence refuses to fill our hearts, when the ‘chatter’ in our heads won’t stop, it is sometimes helpful to be in familiar surroundings. Having a regular place to offer our lives to God quite quickly becomes saturated with our prayers, for ourselves and others. It can feel like a home-coming.
A chair facing a quiet corner is a good start. Placing a favourite item, religious or not, before our eyes, or lighting a candle, laying down a flower or some leaves, creates for us an atmosphere of calm, and enables a greater concentration, even if only for a few moments. That is all God needs in which to embrace us in tranquillity, to still our souls and to gentle us into being loved.
Don’t worry if you feel impatient, God can wait; or if you can’t sit (kneel) still for more than one minute. God can give us in one minute more than we can offer our Creator in a lifetime. Fortunately for us, while understanding, our God doesn’t share our anxieties, but bears them with us and never loses patience.
Try it…..find a quiet place…give yourself over the God for a couple of minutes. Try not to talk, but listen to the heartbeat which God created, for God is in there, pulsing through your life…..”love, love, love,” it beats….keep returning to that same place and God will always be waiting for you…..the One who waits on us eternally.
“Creator of all life, throughout the universe,
Draw us into the light of your presence to praise you.
Infuse us with your power for good.
Teach us creative compassion towards your world.
Feed our bodies for our energies’ needs and
Fill us with the bread of integrity, unity, peace, justice and love.
Free us from sin, corrosive guilt and retribution,
Unite us with our enemies in our common humanity.
Do not put us to the test but…..
Save us from our temptations, self-delusion and wilful blindness.
In beauty and truth you are the source and heart of all that is…..
You are the One
Are the One
The One
Want to know more about Northern Lights MCC, worldwide MCC and how you can become a member of Northern Lights MCC. Please let a member of the board know as we will be running an Enquirers Class in March and a Membership Classes in early April.
Advance Notice
Film Night 
22nd February 2019
(Mikee & Jonny's)

Ash Wednesday Service
6th March 2019
St James URC Church
(Come along and start your journey into the desert with Jesus as we come to Lent)

Sacred Space Online Learning
Enter into learning on-line there are a wide variety of courses at a cost and some that are free that you could engage with. Visit Sacred Space Online.
Available - On Demand Webinars 

Global Warning - What you need to know to save our planet and our world

Check Out this Information

Sign the Petition

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Check out these sites:

Do you know who said the following things?

We have a single mission:
to protect and hand on 
the planet to the next generation.

There is one issue that will define
the contours of this century more 
dramatically than any other, and that is
the threat of a changing climate.

The violence that exists in the human heart
is also manifest in the symptoms of illness
that we see in the Earth, the water,
the air and the living things.

It's a collective endeavour,
it's a collective accountability
and it might not be To Late.

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