
Underwater Photo Gear

Wet lenses: What are they good for?

Nauticam's acclaimed Wide Wet Lens WWL-1
Wet Lenses come in two main types that have two corresponding uses.
  1. Wide Angle Lenses, with or without a dome: Allows you to capture a wider field of view, useful for large vistas – enables you to capture large areas without having to move too far back thus reducing the amount of water between the subject and the camera lens which increase the image's finer details. A domed wide angle lens can increase field of view past 100 degrees.
  2. Macro or Close-up Lenses: A close-up lens will allow the camera Fantasea's UCL-09F is a favouriteto focus closer than its minimum focus distance, so getting closer to the subject will make it appear larger on the sensor. The entire focal range of the camera shifts closer, so the camera can no longer focus on far distances. This is why you may need different strengths – a very powerful macro lens may not allow you to get a larger subject fully in frame.
Wet lenses can be particularly great for compact cameras – because your camera's lens isn't changeable, it can give you some much needed versatility. They can also be a great addition to a mirrorless or SLR set-up too, since you can change a wet lens underwater (especially easy if you have a flip holder or bayonet-style attachment system) unlike the lens on your camera.

How much money should you really spend on a lens?

Well, first things first: Sea Tech believes in the quality of all the lenses that we sell. If we wouldn't use them ourselves, we wouldn't sell them to you. (And trust us when we say there are some lenses out there we would never sell to you.)

Fantasea AOI UWL-09Pro Wide Angle LensThat being said, a good wet lens is worth every cent you spend on it. Not all glass is made equal, and the difference between a really high quality lens and a not-so-high-quality lens can be palpable if you ever have the experience of switching them out immediately and comparing them. If you haven't had that experience it's a little difficult to explain how dramatic the difference can be. Typically what you want from a lens is resolution and clarity. Cheap lenses usually do not have a very wide field of view and may not be as sharp or could have chromatic aberrations and soft corners.

Spending good money on a really high quality wet lens will never be wasted Inon UCL-67 is available in bayonet or screwmoney – and if you treat a lens well, it's the kind of thing that can last you through different cameras, different housings, different ports – it's the kind of thing that can last you a lifetime if well treated. So when we tell you it's not a part of your kit that's worth skimping on, that's why.

Look for a lens that works well with your specific camera, attaches to your housing, offers features you desire, like zoom through or special port adapters – and fits in your budget. OK, you might not be able to afford the best lenses we've got, but like we said: if we didn't think it was good, we wouldn't sell it. Buying the most expensive lens isn't going to make you the best photographer. A good photographer takes the time to understand their equipment so they can get the best image, regardless of how expensive their kit is.

We appreciate that getting the right lens for your system can be confusing – if you want a hand, reach out. We're happy to help.
Wet lenses

Leak Insure saves lives (of cameras)

It's no surprise that Leak Insure is our most popular product. In addition to being a great price, it can reduce or stop fogging and condensation inside your housing altogether – and in a worst-case scenario where you spring a leak, it can save your gear. Leak Insure are little absorbent sachets or strips, and will soak up any moisture that gets inside your housing. We use them on every dive and we think you should too! We especially recommend GoStrips - originally designed for GoPro, they're paper thin and will fit in the tightest spots.

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Shades of Colour Photo Comp.

Send us your pictures from your summer diving adventures! You can win Sea Tech vouchers and get published in Dive Pacific magazine!

You can find info about entering here. Just make sure to send us large files – we need 300dpi for printing in the magazine! Old galleries of photos are here – check 'em out, there're some stunners.

Or just send us some pictures now! The next comp closes March 11th.

Issue 168 Feb/Mar winners.

Clockwise from Top Left:
Advanced Winner: Alex Stammers, New Zealand, ‘Fantasea’.
Advanced Runner Up: Simone Matucci, New Zealand, ‘Humpback whale calf portrait’.
Novice Winner: Dan Westerkamp, New Zealand, ‘Dolphin Pod 1’.
Novice Runner Up: Dan Westerkamp, New Zealand, ‘Dolphin Pod 3’.
Above images cropped - see originals and other entries here.
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