March 2019
countrywool news
email us from our website:

shop hours:
Monday 5-8
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays: 10-3

I am miserably sneezing and holding my aching head as I write this.
Having a head cold is one part of winter I do NOT enjoy.
And, we are looking at snow for the next 3 days, to be followed by severe cold.
It must be March!
Finding seasonal transitions, while dealing with the worst of winter, is what spring is all about.
I find myself gravitating to bright and pastel colors in yarns that are truly warm.

We will be making these FAROE ISLAND MITTS at the retreat next month:

photo by knit1805 on R avelry

We still have 2 spots open if you would like to join us.
Rolling surf, good company, home cooked food, and 48 hours of Immersion Knitting await you!

New in the shop!
Faroe Island Knits

This fabulous book tells the history of knitting and sheep in the Faroes,
and has very attractive sweaters worked in the traditional Faroe style,
which includes being knit bottom up, entirely in the round
with the sleeve openings being steeked.
Want to adopt a fast way to make a drop shoulder stranded sweater?
 The Islanders have it ALL figured out.

There are few classes this month as I finalize details for our retreat in early April
  (it takes me two weeks to get ready, one week to cook/run the event, and another 3 days to put the shop back together)
 but Knit Nite is in full swing.  The Celtic Plait Aran, and the Weeping Heart Lattice Aran,
both Countrywool sweater patterns, are being knit each week.
We are looking at starting the Lusekofte, another Countrywool pattern,
on the 11th if there is no snow storm to stop us, and for sure by the 18th.
Keep in mind, there is no fee for Knit Nite if you use yarns purchased at Countrywool,
and you will get the  current project pattern FREE ,

but you are cheerfully welcome with any yarns for a small fee.

Full Moon Finish    details
A monthly clinic to help you sew up,  block and tidy your knitting and crocheting.
       Sunday, March 17
         11 am-12 noon

Calling all charity knitters. The Claverack Library is graciously hosting
weekly KNIT INS on Wednesday afternoons, 1-3,
to work on charity knitting projects for the homeless and less fortunate and at the VA in our area.
We need your help to knit/crochet/sew for our needy neighbors.
Lots of patterns, yarns and cheery conversation await you! All skill levels are welcome.
If you ever worked on knitting fish for our afghans, we can use some more.
7"x9" squares for afghans are also needed.

free patterns * FREE PATTERNS * free patterns

We LOVE this FREE sock pattern!

If you love free patterns and quick knit ideas,
you will find Countrywool's daily post on
 the COUNTRYWOOLERS group of Facebook very useful. 

You'll need to join the group, then "LIKE" the page and under that LIKE button,
click on "see first"
to get the patterns in your daily news feed.

Knit and spin (and crochet and weave and quilt) on!


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countrywool · 59 Spring Road · Hudson, Ny 12534 · USA