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Where Business Begins in Iowa

Hey Small Business Owner,

What do you think of when you hear the word “motivation?” Do you think of money, a dream vacation, a car? Or maybe you think of a non materialistic incentive, like pride, the happiness of your family, or simply just a “well done” from someone you look up to. Motivation is what keeps people going in hopes to reach an end goal. Motivation is embracing the everyday grind and pushing yourself to reach success. Motivation is important.

Set Goals.
Goal setting is a key to motivation. First, think about your main goal regarding your company. Whether it’s to reach an amount of revenue, sell to a certain amount of people, eventually pass down leadership within your company to family members, etc. Seriously, your goal can be anything! Now, write it down. Next, come up with how you will achieve that goal, creating smaller goals into some sort of check list. Write those down. Congratulations, you just enhanced your chances of success! Setting goals creates motivation to get tasks done, causing a greater likelihood to succeed.

Remember Your Purpose.
Why did you start this business? What got you interested in your work? Remembering where your passion for your work came from, will take you far. When you are struggling to keep pushing and moving forward, it is important to remember who you were when you started your business. Recall the person you were when you had all the hopes and dreams in the world, and keep working hard for that person. 

Being a business owner can be exhausting and full of challenges because let’s be honest with ourselves, running a company is not easy. Sometimes, you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and often feel like the stress will never be gone, feeling as if when one thing gets accomplished, there is another task to be done. You lose that sense of accomplishment which causes a “motivation deficiency.” No matter how big or small your accomplishment is, it needs to be celebrated and you need to reward yourself before starting your next task! This will bring some more joy into your work life, remove some of your stress, and get you more motivated to work.

Remember to apply these three motivations tips into your everyday work life, motivation will take you a long way.

To your success,
-The IASourcelink team

Other Motivational Articles and Resources:

3 Ways to Reignite Your Motivation at Work this Summer
Seven Keys to Shaping the Entrepreneurial Organization

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March 15-23: Vietnam and Philippines Trade Mission 2019
March 26: Topical Tuesday: Email Marketing
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