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Welcome to the Winter 2019 EDI Newsletter

In the Spring of 2018 we shared a story about an exciting research project studying how neighbourhoods can help or hinder child development. In this issue we explore a companion study examining how neighbourhoods influence the development of children with health disorders.

Northwest Territories report highlights importance of early education

The Government of Northwest Territories has released a new report examining the change in EDI outcomes from 2012-2017.

Overall, vulnerability in the territory has increased from 38% to 42%, mirroring the trend of vulnerability increasing across Canada over the same time.

Although vulnerability is increasing, there are positive preliminary findings that show how focus on early education is helping the region's children.

Children who attended at least one year of licensed-based care were less likely to be vulnerable than children who did not attend this program.

Vulnerability by attendance in Licensed-based Care (LBC)
Preliminary findings also show the benefit of Junior Kindergarten. Children from small communities who attended Junior Kindergarten were less likely to be vulnerable than children who did not attend Junior Kindergarten.
Vulnerability by attendance in Junior Kindergarten (JK)

Canadian Children’s Health in Context Study (CCHICS) reveals impacts of SES on children with health disorders

A health disorder – either mental, such as autism or anxiety, or physical, such as asthma – early in life can have a big impact on the developmental trajectory of a child. Among otherwise healthy children, close to one in five kindergartners lack the developmental skills needed to take full advantage of school. Among children who have identified special health needs at that age, this proportion rises to almost 80%.

There is growing evidence that socio-economic factors impact children’s health. For example, families of children with disabilities are more likely to experience socio-economic disadvantage and lower income is associated with greater odds of having a limiting health condition by age 10-11. While much is known about how disadvantage impacts the development of children without health disorders, it is unclear if children with health disorders are impacted similarly.

In fact, there is reason to believe socio-economic disadvantage may impact children with health disorders even more than typically developing children. Existing evidence shows that low socioeconomic status affects neurocognitive development and the speed of brain development

In addition, socio-economic disadvantage could affect types of disorders differently, as well as across regions. For example, the quality of early identification may differ across provinces or communities. 

Learning how the patterns of this impact differ across regions is crucial for designing early interventions, deciding on the type and location of services, and understanding how to ensure children with health disorders are given the best possible chance to succeed.

Until recently, the question of how developmental outcomes for young children with special health needs are influenced by risk factors could not be addressed at a population level. But thanks to ground-breaking work at the Offord Centre for Child Studies we can begin to learn more about this influence. 

The Canadian Children’s Health in Context Study (CCHICS) uses a population-based database of developmental outcomes in kindergarten (as measured by the EDI), which includes information on diagnosed health disorders in early childhood merged with Census and Taxfiler data using children’s postal codes. This dataset makes it possible to investigate the impact of health disorder and socioeconomic disadvantage on children’s developmental outcomes at school entry.

Initial analysis of EDI data for 990,502 children from 2004 to 2015 showed the prevalence of childhood health disorders in Canadian neighbourhoods, excluding those with fewer than 10 children, ranged from 1.9% to 49.3%, with an average of 16.8%. We also learned that neighbourhood-level SES was significantly related to the prevalence of health disorders in a neighbourhood. For each one standard deviation decrease in SES, the prevalence of health disorders rose by 2.4%.

The reported disorders included an identification of special needs, having a functional impairment limiting the child’s ability to participate in classroom activities, or diagnosed conditions (i.e. physical or mental health disorder).
Another benefit of this unique dataset is the ability to learn about specific health conditions in more detail. For example, compared to children that exhibited few to none of these behaviours, highly anxious children were significantly more likely to be male, have English/French as a second language, and have a special needs designation. Although the prevalence remained fairly consistent over time across Canada (2.1% to 3% per year), it varied across provinces and territories, from 1.2% (Prince Edward Island) to 5.0% (Northwest Territories). Highly anxious children were also between 3.4 and 6.2 times more likely to be vulnerable in the physical, social, cognitive, and communication domains of development, compared to their less anxious peers.
For a full description of how the research team plans to conduct the CCHICS study please read our protocol paper.
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EDI in the News
Offord Centre Lunch and Learn to feature EDI
Want to learn more about the new exciting projects using the EDI? Come to the Offord Centre Lunch and Learn at McMaster Innovation Park on Wednesday March 13th from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.
Spotlight shines on EDI co-creator
Magdalena Janus, the co-creator of the EDI, is the latest researcher featured on McMaster's Spotlight on Research and Scholarship.
Preliminary KPS results released
A preliminary report on the 2018 Ontario collection of the Kindergarten Parent Survey (KPS) has been released by the Offord Centre for Child Studies.
Deeper dive into Quebec EDI results
Last newsletter we shared a report on the 2017 EDI collection in Quebec.

The Quebec Institute of Statistics has followed up with an additional report examining the EDI results in connection with children's preschool experience.
Ethiopian School Readiness Initiative uses EDI
A comprehensive school readiness intervention for children ages 3-6 in Ethiopia is using the EDI to measure its success

The EDI was used to show that children receiving the intervention had higher scores on their overall development, and across developmental domains.
Attending the Society for Research in Child Development conference in Baltimore from March 21-23? Come visit our posters on Friday morning and Saturday afternoon to learn more about the latest EDI research.
Latest EDI Publications
Bell, M. F., Bayliss, D. M., Glauert, R., & Ohan, J. L. (2019). Developmental vulnerabilities in children of chronically ill parents: A population-based linked data study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 1-8.

Brownell, M., Enns, J. E., Hanlon-Dearman, A., Chateau, D., Phillips-Beck, W., Singal, D., … & Roos, N. (2018). Health, social, education, and justice outcomes of Manitoba First Nations children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A population-based cohort study of linked administrative data. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 1-10.

Kent, G. & Pitsia, V. (2018). Gender differences in cognitive development and school readiness. Children’s Research Digest, 5(3), 33-42.

Sawyer, A. C. P., Kaim, A. L. E., Mittinity, M. N., Jeffs, D., Lynch, J. W., & Sawyer, M. G. (2018). Effectiveness of a 2-year post-natal nurse home-visiting programme when children are aged 5 years: Results from a natural experiment. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 1-8.

Thomson, K. C., Richardson, C. G., Gadermann, A. M.,  Emerson, S. D., Shoveller, J., & Guhn, M. (2019). Association of childhood social-emotional functioning profiles at school entry with early-onset mental health conditions. JAMA Network Open, 2, 1-15.

Tso, W., Chan, M., Ho, F. K. W., Li, A. M., Chan, K. L., Tiwari, A., … & Ip, P. (2019). Early sleep deprivation and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatric Research.

Wall-Wieler, E., Lee, J. B., Nickel, N., & Roos, L. L. (2019). The multigenerational effects of adolescent motherhood on school readiness: A population-based retrospective cohort study. PLoS ONE, 14, 1-16.

Whitten, T., Laurens, K. R., Tzoumakis, S., Kaggodaarachchi, S., Green, M. J., Harris, F., … & Dean, K. (2019). The influence of parental offending on the continuity and discontinuity of children’s internalizing and externalizing difficulties from early to middle childhood. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-11.
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