February 2019 - 
Hello, friends! I've been writing. Painting a little, but mostly writing. I've been working on a young adult novel that is set in Hibaria, the world of my paintings, and I've been working on it for a while now. It's been a good writing stretch. I'm 37,000 words* in, which probably means nothing to you, but to me it means (if my guess is correct) that I'm about 70% done. Cora, the intrepid heroine, is well into her adventure and quest, has succeeded some, has failed a lot, and is about to do more of both. Spectacularly.

I can't really show you a progress shot of the story, but I can show you the part of the world that it's happening in. 
The story starts in Tarian. Cora and Will join a magical circus and travel north along the coast. They are currently in the Hornwood, which is (unfortunately for them) a terribly dangerous place. Very soon they will arrive on Agendor where things will get very, very, very serious.**

Anyway, I'm taking a break from writing this week to start the show season! I'll be setting up my art booth in Wichita this weekend, and then I'll be in Albuquerque, NM next. See the list below for details.
*For context, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is (according to one somewhat reputable looking website)  38,421 words long. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is 76,944. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is (I'm a little too familiar with this one right now) 221 words long.

**VERY serious.


WICHITA, KS: Outdoor Living and Landscape Show – March 1-3 ($10 admission)
ALBUQUERQUE, NM: Rio Grande Arts & Crafts Festival - March 8-10 ($8 admission)

NORMAN, OK: Medieval Fair of Norman - April 5-7 (free admission)
SAN ANTONIO, TX: King William Fair – April 27 ($15 admission)

DES MOINES, IA: ArtFest Midwest - June 29-30 (free admission)

LITTLETON, CO: Affordable Arts Festival – August 25 ($10 admission)

FRANKLIN, TN: Hutchmoot – October 3-6 (Closed Conference)


New Paintings

The Star Path, $200, 5"x7".
The Guardian III, $200, 5"x7".
Star Balloon, $200, 5"x7".
*          *          *

Sebastian and Maximilian

The children are growing. Max is learning to talk and will be two in a month. Seb is learning to read and loves Mr. Rogers and conveyor belts. It's pretty great.
Max's newest favorite expression!
Sebastian is, indeed, a rascal.
That's it for now, friends. 

Until next time,
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