Friday 1st March 2019

Today I am writing about my astonishing PPI results, asking you to keep your eyes peeled for my next housesitting gig and offering you the chance to join in with a rampage of appreciation with Esther Hicks and Abraham, starting NOW!

Rampaging with Esther and Oscar

My relationship with Abraham-Hicks, specifically Esther Hicks channelling Abraham, goes way back. In doing some research for this newsletter this morning, Amazon reveals that I first bought their books and audios in 2005. My website archives documents that I saw Esther at Alternatives in 2008 and started writing about rampages of appreciation in 2009.

But, like all things, despite being aware of their excellent work, I hadn't been using it very much at all lately until Marion reminded us all in I Love My Life. She was off and running and starting to infect others and soon I joined in and, in turn, starting paying it forward because the results are so fast and such fun.

All you have to do is go to YouTube and search on Abraham-Hicks and thousands of videos come up. I don't watch the videos; I just listen to Esther as Abraham. If you have no idea what I am talking about, bear with.

Abraham talks about Law of Attraction. Their message is very simple but the reason there are so many videos and so much stuff on Amazon and YouTube is because we human beings make it complicated. So all their content is thematically approximately the same and that's the bliss of it. It is all designed to raise your vibration and you can do this by paying attention (I recommend that way at least once a day), by having it playing in the background while you are doing other things, and/or while you are drifting off to sleep (they have special ones for that).

Abraham has a fantastic sense of humour and laughing raises the vibe, of course.

It's only been about two weeks but I feel completely different, more upbeat, more optimistic, more trusting in the Universe that I am going to be OK whatever happens (Brexit, finding a new home, health, wealth, happiness). And as soon as you raise your vibe, not only is life more enjoyable but it goes better too, as you attract better stuff, kinder people and surprises, about which more below.

So, how is this working in my life?

You may know that The Oscars is My Thing every year. And that in the run-up to them I watch all the films in contention and I get excited and I blog and I make choices for my faves and I read predictions and I immerse myself in my passion totally. I stay up all night until 0430, I take the next day off during which I re-live all the best bits on YouTube, over and over. I watch the compilation show on Monday night and am incensed that Best Supporting Actor and Actress do not make the edit despite being two of my faves on the night and in my predictions.  I email my film buff (middle) nephew and we debate whether or not it's a vintage year, which films he's seen and which he hasn't and which ones he will now, given my reviews.

My vibe is high. My interest is high. My sense of passion and fun is high and while it was under control in the lead up, by the weekend I was beyond excited and all day Monday I felt hungover, like I'd been to a truly great party all night and couldn't stop discussing the best bits with everyone and looking at the photos again. Are Bradley and Gaga getting it on? Who cares! Did you SEE that Steinway she was playing? On and on, I am possessed by the Oscars. I can bore or enthral for England on the topic. 

At some point, I thought to myself on Monday or Tuesday, OK, enough now Judith. Enough with the Oscars stuff. You are boring people.

And then Esther and Abraham started shouting at me not to be so silly. This is exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Immersing myself in stuff which makes me feel fabulous, light-hearted and fun, having passions and enjoying them to the max, noticing the feelings and loving them and extending that as long as possible, even dwelling there, not being sensible and telling myself I've had enough cinematic passion hobby fun now for another year and putting myself back in my box.

See how this works?

So, I have a challenge for you, my first of the day. This is for you if you feel like your vibe could use some of this high-level excitement and feelgood. Go to Abraham-Hicks on YouTube and/or Facebook, get out your old audio recordings and books and take at least ten minutes of Abraham every day, more if you can. Listen while you walk, or drive, or shop.

Today is 1st March. Do it for 31 days, every day and let me know what you have attracted into your life and what a difference it's made to you. Come and join my rampage! Write today and let me have your commitment to the 31 days. I'm ten days ahead of you and I am already as high as a kite. I hope I never come down.


Abraham-Hicks YouTube channel There are other YT channels too, dedicated to their material. I don't think it matters much which ones you are watching/listening to as long as you are hearing/seeing Esther channelling Abraham.

Abraham-Hicks Facebook page

Esther travels a lot, mostly in the States. The majority of content you will hear is recorded at those gigs. She also does cruises. I have never wanted to go on a cruise, quite the opposite in fact. This may just be the exception. The Caribbean in April, Alaska in July, the Med in September. 

Abraham-Hicks Workshops and Cruises

Does Your Home Need a Housesitter?

My current housesitting gig on the outskirts of London is up in the first week of April.

Who do you know who needs a custodian for their empty home?

I am now taking bookings for Spring and Summer. I make no charge and my needs are few - wifi, parking and heating on cold days. Don't need it today, it's 19 degrees here on the Kentish borders!

England is preferred as I have family and friends and history and business reasons to be able to drive to London within a few hours, but have car will travel.

Thanks for keeping your eyes and ears open for possibilities for me for holiday cover, sabbatical cover, cats that need looking after etc. I am on all the housesitting sites but so far they have brought me nothing whereas all my opportunities have come from Facebook and from people I know, people like you. Thank you for thinking of me.

The couple who own the home where I have been living since Halloween has been wintering in Argentina. While they've been gone I've looked after their home, posted their Christmas cards, supervised their car being repaired, put their bins out and turned away cold callers. I've kept the place warm so there have been no burst pipes or other unattended emergencies and even if there had been some of those, there was a sensible adult here to take charge. 

And you know how much I love taking charge!

My Surprising PPI Results So Far with Allay

At Christmas, much against my better judgement, I was persuaded to apply for PPI refunds. I cannot emphasise that word too much. MUCH against my better judgement. MUUUUUUUUUCH against my better judgement. I couldn't be bothered with the faff, mainly because I was absolutely certain sure convinced I had never ticked the box for PPI. I KNEW I'd never had it.

How wrong was I?

As luck would have it, the company my friend was recommending I use, Allay, had already cold emailed me a couple of months earlier and that paperwork was just languishing, ignored, at my Virtual Office. I got them to forward it to me and during the festive holidays I filled out all the boxes with my addresses going back as far as I could remember, signed, initialled and sent off in the prepaid envelope with zero expectation.

In fact, my best hope was that I could draw a line under this nonsense once and for all.

I was gobsmacked to achieve a small early win and made a terrible but not ungrateful fuss about banking the cheque in this strange town where I don't know where the banks are or the adjacent carparks and frankly, couldn't be bothered to find out. The cheque was for £67. Happily, I resolved that in the Post Office at the bottom of the road and shiver me timbers if today I haven't received a much larger cheque. Four figures in fact. Wowser!

You see what this means, don't you? That even when you know you ticked the box marked PPI no thank you, they still applied it to our accounts anyway. What's the word for that? I am too polite (just) to write it here. Some of you are of a delicate disposition. But you know I am thinking it, and saying it out loud while I type. It's cathartic.

Lots of my claims have been declined. I was right, I didn't have PPI with those. But there are several claims still live against the banksters and more cheques in divine escrow for moi. Free money! If you have ever had any aggro with banks, and what self-employed person hasn't, then this is incredibly satisfying to have them on the back foot for a change. Feels like levelling up the playing field.

The deadline for claiming is August 2019 in the UK. I have no idea whether you can do this anywhere else in the world, did you have PPI? If so, check it out. It is relatively easy.

You can also do it yourself. Go to the websites of all the banks you have ever been involved with - loans, overdrafts, bank accounts and credit cards - they apparently have web pages and whole departments ready, willing and able to help you because they have been found seriously wanting and seem to LOVE refunding us. I would go this route if I either had my own paperwork still on file (I don't) or I'd lived at the same address for years (I haven't). Allay take a reasonable chunk, and I am delighted that they do. I never resist someone being well paid well for great service, and if it was left to me to do it, it wouldn't be happening. #Grateful

I must say I am enjoying the banks refunding me very much indeed. You also get interest at 8% and in my own example, this goes all the way back to the mid-Nineties. That adds up to a very satisfying sum, even if 20% is withheld because that bit, the interest, like all interest, is taxable. You will put it on next year's tax return and it will all be taken into account. You may even qualify for a refund of some or all of that, depending on what else goes into your tax calculation. If part of your personal allowance is unused, you'll definitely get the withholding tax refunded.

Give it a go, you never know. Give it a go especially if, like me, you were absolutely certain you never had it! LOL.

This is your mission should you choose to accept it. Your second one of the day. Check out whether or not you are entitled to PPI refunds and remember that after August 2019 you won't get the opportunity again. That door closes. Let's face it, it's been open ages already, long enough to bore the pants off all of us. I was late to this party, unusually, and it certainly isn't boring when you are walking a big surprise cheque to the Post Office.  

Until next time...


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Drivedance Ltd, 1 High Street Mews, London SW19 7RG 

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