THE TRUE QUEEN is out in the US today!
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Zen Cho
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It's here! My second novel The True Queen is out now from Penguin Random House in the US.

It's a Regency Malayan historical fantasy and features the words scobberlotcher and sambal; it's probably the first ever book of which both those things can be said. It's about a young woman named Muna who is under a curse and sets out on a perilous quest to break it. There are hijinks, awkward social situations, magical battles, numerous translated peribahasa, and several appearances by characters from Sorcerer to the Crown.

All winners of my giveaway have been notified, but if you didn't win a copy, you can buy one at the links below!

Trade paperback


The UK and Commonwealth release date is 21 March, so not too much longer to go! You can find purchase links via the publisher's webpage here: The True Queen by Zen Cho.

I wrote a blog post about what it was like writing the novel, which explains why there's been a 4-year gap between it and Sorcerer to the Crown: My publishing journey: How to write second book?
At some point during the almost 4 years when I was working on this book, I asked an author who’d published a trilogy what it had been like writing her second book. She said, “Have you watched The Night Manager?”

I had not. She said, “There’s a scene where someone gets beaten up, a torture scene, and it’s really brutal, really gritty. This person gets absolutely battered, and it just goes on and on and on. That’s what it felt like.”

I promise the book is a lot more cheerful than that makes it sound, though ...

Also, I'm doing a Reddit AMA on /r/Books! I'll be popping in and out answering questions for the next day or so, so do leave a comment if you've got any burning queries.

If you decide to pick up the book, I very much hope you enjoy it. If you can make the time, I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a review on your book retailer website of choice and/or Goodreads -- even a one-liner helps hugely, and it doesn't have to be positive. (I know everyone says they don't read their reviews but I really don't, I promise!) Thanks for the support!
Text © 2019 Zen Cho. Image: detail from The True Queen cover (art by Kate Forrester, designed by Judith Lagerman).

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