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Research Spotlight


Newsletter 4/2019

The Exchange of Secret Knowledge Between East Germany And The Arab Middle East,1960-1989
Public research seminar by Sophia Hoffman 
Thursday, 14 March 2019, 6-7:30 pm, Orient-Institut Beirut

Sophia Hoffmann will focus in this talk on the relationship between the German Democratic Republic’s Ministry of State Security (often referred to as the “Stasi) and the Arab Middle East. I present several institutional layers through which the Ministry of State Security shared knowledge about intelligence matters – or refused to – with the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Beyond the layer of diplomatic and institutional exchange, I will present some examples of how intelligence knowledge was also shared through micro-processes of social encounter and mutual observation.
Dr. Sophia Hoffmann is a political scientist with a focus on the international relations of West Asia. 

The Role of Book Collections in Mamluk Bilad Al-Sham in Creating Spatial Identities
Public research seminar by Konrad Hirschler (Freie Universität Berlin)
Tuesday, 02 April 2019, 6-7:30 pmOrient-Institut Beirut
Libraries and book collections were a conspicuous feature of towns and cities in Bilad al-Sham from the 12th century onwards. They spread well beyond the central institutions of learning to modest madrasas, khanqahs and dar al-hadiths right across the urban topography. In addition, considerable book collections were held in residential homes. These book collections did not just ‘reflect’ individual and communal interests of learning and cultural interests. Rather, they were meant to do something and also played an active role in shaping, reinterpreting and contesting communal identities. One function that has been hardly studied so far is the role of book collections in the formation and reshaping of spatial identities, be it on the regional level, the level of cities or of neighbourhoods. This lecture will discuss what role book collections in Mamluk Bilad al-Sham were meant to play in this regard: How did the spatial profile of the books’ authors, copyists, transmitters and previous owners shape decisions to include or exclude them? What role did the place of the books’ production and transmission play? What was the significance of the spatial placement of the collections? These questions will be addressed by discussing three examples of book collections from Jerusalem and Damascus for which we have documentary evidence in the form of catalogues, endowment lists and estate inventories.
Konrad Hirschler has been Professor of Islamic Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin since 2016 and was previously Professor of Middle Eastern History at SOAS (University of London).


المدن الأقطاب في لبنان: بيروت - طرابلس - زحلة - صيدا
Book presentation by Abdul Raouf Sinno
 ,Thursday, 4 April 2019, 6-7:30pm

إنّ دراسة المدن الأربع، بيروت وطرابلس وزحلة وصيدا، في وحدة متكاملة لها ما يبرّرها، وفق المؤلّف البروفسور سنّو، ذلك أنَّ مجلس الإنماء والإعمار يُطلق عليها وحدها صفة "الأقطاب". وهي، كذلك، مراكز رئيسية لغرف التجارة والصناعة والزراعة في لبنان، وتشكل شبكة مترابطة من المصالح المشتركة. وحسب المؤلّف فإنّ مدنًا لبنانية أخرى لها مميزاتها وشخصياتها التاريخية، كجبيل وصور وبعلبك...، إلا أنّه فضّل أنْ يقتصر بحثه على المدن المنتقاة، بدلًا من تقديم كتاب ضخم في عدد صفحاته، على أنْ يقوم أحد غيره، بتلك المهمّة.

وعن المنهجية الجديدة المتبعة، جمَعَ المؤلف بين النصّ والصورة أو اللقطة والمستند؛ على اعتبار أنّ  البصر هو أكثر حواس الإنسان استخدامًا في اكتساب المعلومات.. أما المستهدَف بالكتاب، فهما جيل الشباب وشريحة واسعة من المهتمّين الذين يريدون التعرّف إلى تاريخ لبنان، ولا يجدون إجابات وافية أو مقنعة أو سريعة في مؤلَّف واحد وأفر بالمعلومات والوقائع العلمية، وفي الوقت ذاته لا يفضلون العودة إلى المصادر أو المراجع. ومن خلال تعمّقه في بعض المواضيع، وإضافة معلومات مهمّة في "النوافذ"، فالكتاب يفيد الأكاديميين والمختصين، ما يجعله مجموعة كتب في كتاب واحد.

ويتسم الكتاب برصده الشمولي للتطوّر التاريخي والمديني لكلِّ من تلك المدن على حدة، منذ العصر الفينيقي إلى الوقت الراهن، وشتى ميادين عمرانها؛ كالعمارة والأحياء والأسواق والمقار الحكومية والحدائق والمعابد والمرافئ، فضلًا عن عشرات المواضيع الحضارية والمعيشية المتصلة بالتاريخ المديني؛ من العادات والآداب والمعتقدات والحرف والفنون، والصراع السياسي، والغزو الخارجي...، وصولًا إلى الفولكلور.   

  وقد أعطى المؤلف مدينة بيروت حيّزًا أوسع، من ناحية المعالجة، كونها عاصمة لبنان ومركز الثقل فيه، وترتبط بعلاقات وطيدة بباقي المدن الأقطاب، ولأنَّ عرض تاريخ لبنان السياسي العام تطلّب أنْ تكون المعالجة في مكان واحد في الكتاب، باستثناء ما له خصوصية بكلِّ مدينة من المدن الأقطاب. 
عبد الرؤوف سنّو شغل منصب أستاذ التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر في الجامعة اللبنانية. حاصل على شهادة الدكتوراه من جامعة برلين الحرة، ودبلوم التعليم العالي والتنمية الدولية من جامعة كاسل.


The DAAD Lebanon office has opened the call for a DAAD Langzeitdozentur at the Lebanese University’s Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences. The OIB has been a key partner in negotiating this new position, and we encourage you all to look out for the call and apply for the position.
Link: (


Research Spotlight

“Relations in the Ideoscape: Middle Eastern Students in the Eastern Bloc (1950s to 1991)”
We are pleased to announce that our new research project “Relations in the Ideoscape: Middle Eastern Students in the Eastern Bloc (1950s to 1991)” has been approved and we started 1st of March. The project is described under:

We are looking for new researchers and student interviewers. (Please check vacancies on our website)
There will be an opening meeting and conference in May.
Watch out for further news and get in touch with us if you are interested!
Dr. Ala Al Hamarneh is the new research coordinator of the Orient-Institut Beirut’s new project. He holds a PhD in Human Geography and was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geography and the Center for Research in the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz.
 You can contact him under:

Meet our new colleagues and doctoral visiting fellows

John Hanna graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Graz University of Technology in 2014. During his study years, he volunteered and worked with housing and shelter organizations in Zambia, Egypt and Brazil. In the past few years, he worked closely with contemporary art institutions in Graz and in Cairo. Hanna is a third year PhD candidate at the Chair History of Architecture and Urban Planning at Delft University of Technology, with a research project on the spatiality of urban conflicts, laying a focus on conditions of armed violence.

Mohammed Ezzeldin is a history lecturer and doctoral candidate in the history department in the City University of New York, the Graduate Center. His current research project focuses on revolutionary temporalities, generational memories and gender in Egypt between 1967 and 2011. He graduated from the political science department in Cairo University and has a Master's degree in Arab Studies from Georgetown University where he wrote a thesis on the history and memory of banditry and folk outlaws in early 20th century Egypt.


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