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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup

Newsletter, 7th March 2019


Public meeting

7pm 11th March
Uniting Church Hall, 5 Nerang River Dr. Nerang.

The reason for a meeting of the Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup is to find out if a future Prep is desired for 2020 or 2021.

There is currently no application for government accreditation for a Waldorf/Steiner school on the Gold Coast.

If we are to do it for a Prep in 2020, then, it would be best to have the forms completed in the next 5 to 6 weeks to allow 6 months for approval in time to advertise for a teacher who would like to make a sea or tree change to the Gold Coast.

A Ltd company can be owned by individuals and an Association by the community. A Ltd can be sold or closed. An Association only if it becomes bankrupt.

For accreditation the easiest part is for the community to form an Association with committee members to acquire a blue card. Then we will need to find a site to rent.

My recommendation is to support the forming of an Association for the benefit of all families and children at the soonest and ask you to consider puting your name forward.


Why Waldorf?

There are as many opinions as there are quotes. Here are two.
  1. Rudolf Steiner promoted a balanced development of body, soul and spirit through thinking, feeling and willing.
    That is often expressed as head, heart and hands.
  2. He who works with his hands is a labourer.
    He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
    He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.
Francis of Assisi

It is desirable for us to become engaged in children’s development as opposed to allowing any form of modern technology until an appropriate age. It was best for me that as a family with my parents that we did not have TV until I was 17 and no web connection until introduced in the work environment in my late 30’s. I still do not have a smart phone and feel no need for it.

My youngest is 39 so my 3 children did not have a Waldorf environment – I learned about Steiner in my early 40’s. My wish for my children was for them to become responsible individuals. With freedom comes responsibility.

Alf Finch
Phone 8am to 4pm: 07 5533 1177



  1. What do we want from this meeting?
  2. Association or Ltd
    Should enough people decide to be an Association
  3. Free membership. Application to Association.
  4. Committee – Inaugural member with no obligation.
  5. Association Application – sub-committee for the next two weeks commencing immediately.
  6. Association name – Suggested name of Prep Class and eventual school.
  7. Accreditation – sub committee.
    1. Documentation guidance is already available
    2. To be completed in 5 weeks.
  8. Site evaluation – Survey group.
    1. Start immediately for 3 weeks.
    2. Check halls of Scouts, Guides, Masonic, Sports Clubs, Community Centres, Churches, Schools etc.
    3. Start liaison with council if necessary.

Hummingbird Playgroup

Hummingbird Playgroup continues to flow given the obstacles we are presented with. The little children enjoy their playtime together and making new friends, sharing fruit and showing their beautiful manners and best of all story time.

We are moving to different premises located at: Uniting Church Hall, 5 Nerang River Dr. Nerang at 9:30am Tuesday 19th March and this will give us greater opportunity to work more closely together creating simple natural fibre toys for the children to play with.  

One step at a time and so many many of us carry the eternal dream of a wholesome space filled with loving kindness for our children……bye for now…….Nansi.

Waldorf 100 Film on Youtube

You may find this film about Waldorf education interesting.
Waldorf 100 - Part 1
Waldorf 100 - Part 2
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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