The Kola Nut Collaborative is now holding Kola 101 presentations as we expand membership in neighborhoods throughout Chicago.

Our guiding vision is to make social infrastructure visible within our communities. Social infrastructure describes the invisible bonds and relationships which constitute a generative capital that can be accumulated and circulated through timebanking.

Our mission is to promote and sustain a robust timebanking infrastructure which supports these non-monetary transactions amongst individuals and organizations allowing a greater sum of the realized value of work to be retained and shared within local communities.

We are particularly focused on partnering with organizations which have a broad base of stakeholders whom might benefit from deploying timebanking as a method for capturing and compensating work that presently lives in the form of reciprocal goodwill transactions and creating an infrastructure where the time given over to these worthy causes may be traded with other members within the timebank for services those members have offered.

Our goal is to develop and sustain a complementary community currency which decreases financial pressure, reinforces the fabric of trust and creates new opportunities for engagement between stakeholders within our communities.

If you were unable to attend a recently listed orientation date or would like to contact the Kola Nut Collaborative about partnering to develop a timebanking infrastructure within your organization, please email us at after submitting your subscription request.
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