Hello from everyone at Birmingham Community Matters 

We're getting ready for our next BCM surgery on Saturday (16 March). Read on for details as we'd love to see you there.

Our new website has just gone live: be one of the first people to see it

This email contains other useful dates and info too.

Thanks for being part of our network and please do forward this to friends and colleagues who may benefit. 
How to find funding opportunities: four insider tips from Get Grants
Before you start applying for funding for your community group, how do you create a list of organisations to approach?

We've worked with the experts at Get Grants to create this handy guide to finding funding opportunities. Read the new post on our blog

Please note that our next Introduction to Fundraising workshop with Get Grants is now fully booked. If you have a place and find that you can't make it, please let us know so we can allocate it to someone else. 
Surgery on Saturday

If you have questions about your community group or project, drop in to see us in Cotteridge this weekend. 
Cotteridge Community Matters surgery 
Saturday 16 March 
10:30am to 12 noon
The Cotteridge Church, 24 Pershore Road South, Birmingham B30 3EJ

The MP and local councillors' surgery will also be running at the Cotteridge Church, from 10:30am to 11:30am. 

As with all BCM surgeries, you're welcome just to pop in. Or tell us via Twitter, Facebook or email ( that you plan to attend, so we know to look out for you.

New to BCM? Here's what happens at a BCM surgery.
Our Bournville Community Matters surgery in February was buzzing. We met people from long-established community groups seeking ideas to attract fresh interest, as well as people making new and exciting things happen locally. 

Look who popped in! We enjoyed catching up with PCSOs Paul Blackford and Jenene Tandy from the Bournville Neighbourhood Team.  
Doing Good Leeds

Our chair Emma Woolf flagged up this website - Doing Good Leeds - recently as a useful resource for community groups. The advice explorer section has information on everything from setting up a new group to governance, evaluation and planning.

Media Trust Resource Hub
In January we attended a useful masterclass in digital skills for charities, run by Google and the Media Trust. We shared key points from the day in our blog post: 

Boost your online presence: 15 digital resources for community groups

It was well received, and the team at the Media Trust asked whether they could publish it on their Resource Hub. So we're pleased to say it's here too

No matter how small your group, the Media Trust's Resource Hub is an excellent place to get support and ideas to improve your communications. 
Other interesting events in March and April

#WOW: Women of Worth
Thursday 14 March

Mental Health for the Real World
Saturday 16 March

Trade School Digbeth: the Art of Procrastination
Monday 18 March

What's next for health and social care?
Thursday 21 March

Modern Slavery Awareness
Thursday 21 March

Open Minds Employer Breakfast
Friday 22 March

Decorate Bearwood Street Festival: Craft Workshop
Sunday 24 March

Social care, adults and communities: learning from Japan
Wednesday 27 March

#DearYoungers: Shifting the Dial
Thursday 28 March

Beatfreeks Community Catch-Up
Friday 29 March

Asian Woman Festival 
Saturday 30 March

International Women's Afternoon Tea
Saturday 30 March
Corporate Fundraising Training Course with Get Grants
Monday 1 April

Climate Action Network WM Steering Group Meeting
Tuesday 2 April

PER (Public Engagement with Research) Day
Friday 5 April

#All_TogetherUK LGBT Monthly Social Meet-Up
Saturday 6 April

Women in the Sikh Empire
Saturday 6 April

International Roma Day
Sunday 7 April

Creative Bureaucracy
Saturday 13 April

Buddy Bags Brigade
Friday 26 April 

We're growing our networks and always looking for useful events and info to share. This is just a small selection of things we have spotted or been sent. If you have something you'd like us to consider promoting, email with details. 
Mayor's Community Weekend: grants available

To help communities celebrate the second Mayor's Community Weekend from Saturday 29 June to Sunday 30 June, grants of up to £500 are available through the National Lottery Community Fund. This could either fund the full cost of a small event, or go towards the cost of a larger event.

Applications close on Sunday (17 March): find out more here
We have been asked to share this with you. 'In Bloom Not Broken' Mental Health Awareness Awards are taking place on Thursday 16 May, and nominations are open now. Here are the details
Thank you

Thank you for subscribing to our mailing list. We'll be back soon with more useful info. In the meantime keep us posted on your community updates and success stories via our social media channels. We love to share good news. 

Birmingham Community Matters 
Registered charity number 1179442

ps. We've recently updated our privacy policy to reassure our subscribers about how we treat their data. You can read it in full here. In brief, though, we are sending you this email because you gave us your email address and consent to contact you at a Birmingham Community Matters event, or by signing up via our website. As always, we promise to keep your details safe and never sell them on or use them for anything unrelated to Birmingham Community Matters. You can unsubscribe from these messages at any time. If ever you don't want us to have your details, please email us: 
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