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We learned yesterday that Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to set up the Mishkan on Rosh Chodesh Nisan. Today we will see how Moshe put together the Mishkan, just like Hashem told him to! 1) Moshe Rabbeinu set up the Mishkan: He put up the sockets (Adonim), put the boards (Kerashim) into the sockets, put the bars (Berichim) into the boards to hold them together, and put up the pillars (Amudim) to hold the curtains of the Kodesh Hakodoshim (Paroches) and the entrance of the Mishkan. |
Today we start the Tehillim again from the beginning! In kapitel Daled, there is a posuk that says “Rigzu Ve’al Techeta’u,” “get angry and you won’t do an aveira.” The Gemara in Brachos explains how this posuk gives an eitzah of what to do if someone’s Yetzer Hara comes to bother him. The first thing the Gemara says is to get your Yetzer Tov angry with your Yetzer Hara, so that you won’t do an aveira. In Tanya, in Perek Chof-Tes, the Alter Rebbe tells us what to do when the Yetzer Hara is not letting the Yetzer Tov do what it should do: A person should think about what he knows is true — that Hashem is everywhere, and gave us the Torah, and there is nothing else important! He should get angry at the Yetzer Hara in his mind for putting thoughts in his head to make him wonder if the truth is really the truth, or to convince him to act the wrong way. When we get angry at the Yetzer Hara, Hashem will take away the Yetzer Hara’s permission to bother the person, and he’ll be able to serve Hashem in a special and pure way! |
The Alter Rebbe told us before that a Yid can think about how the world looks to Hashem, the way we will see it when Moshiach comes, when we will be able to see that there is nothing besides for Hashem. We know that even though we can’t see it, really it’s true now too — Hashem is with us everywhere and has nachas from the things we do! Thinking about this makes a Yid very happy! A good time to think about this is during davening. But then, after finishing davening, we look around and see the world around us. We realize that Hashem is still hiding in the world, and that we aren’t able to see the truth of what we thought about during the day, the way the Avos and Moshe Rabbeinu were able to. So now, the Alter Rebbe will give us some eitzos of what we can do to make a place for Hashem to be with us all the time the way we thought about during davening: By learning Torah, and by using our work during the day to serve Hashem, and to give tzedakah, so we can be a Mishkan for Hashem during the entire day. The Chachomim tell us that after the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, the place where we can find Hashem the most similar to the way Hashem was then is in the halachos of Torah, where we can see exactly how Hashem wants the world to be. So after davening, we should make a hachlata to make a time to learn Torah (everyone has a certain amount they need to learn, like the Alter Rebbe explains in Hilchos Talmud Torah). When we take that time to learn, we should feel like we are inviting Hashem into our house, just like the way it was in the Mishkan, and the way the WHOLE world will be when Moshiach comes! |
When we say Yaaleh Veyavo on Rosh Chodesh, we should be careful to say the nekudos right. (In one place it says “bo”, and in another place it says “vo”.) Something we can learn from this Hayom Yom is to make sure we look inside when we daven so we say all of the nekudos right. |
Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #71) is that a person who does certain aveiros needs to bring a ram as a Korban Asham, called an Asham Vadai. It is brought for four kinds of aveiros, whether they are done on purpose or by mistake: - Someone who does Me’ilah (using something that is holy and belongs to the Mizbeiach or to the Beis Hamikdash) - Someone who gets married to a Shifcha Charufa (a slave girl that is engaged to someone else, and was set free by one of her owners) - Someone who steals money (Gezeilah) and then lies when he makes a promise about it in Beis Din - Someone who has something that he needs to give back and then lies when he makes a promise about it in Beis Din (Shevuas Hapikadon) The dinim of these mitzvos are explained in Mesechta Krisus. |
In today’s Rambam, we learn about more korbanos a person brings if they do an Aveira. Perek Tes: We learn the halachos of the Asham Vadai brought for an aveira a person knows that he did (the details of today’s mitzvah). Perek Yud: The Rambam teaches us about the Korban Oleh V’Yored that depends if a person is rich or poor. Perek Yud-Alef: The aveira of coming into the Beis Hamikdash or eating korbanos when a person is Tamei has different halachos than any other aveira that we are learning in these perakim. |
In the first perek of Hilchos Me’ilah, the Rambam explains what me’ilah is: using something that was set aside for Hashem, which we are not allowed to do. One of the things the Rambam talks about is using the wool of an animal that is hekdesh, and when this is considered Me’ilah. |
On Purim, there is a special mitzvah to be happy. In halacha, drinking wine is an important way to be besimcha. Drinking wine, however, can also make a person act in a not-so-good way, like we learned in Chumash about Noach after he came out of the teiva. That’s why during the year we aren’t supposed to drink too much. But on Purim, the simcha is SO great, the Chachomim said that a person should drink more wine than they usually do, and they weren’t worried that something bad might happen! That’s why the Gemara says (and the Shulchan Aruch paskens) “Chayav Inish Livsumei BePuria Ad D’Lo Yada Bein Arur Haman LeBaruch Mordechai” — “a person needs to drink on Purim until he doesn’t know the difference between Arur Haman and Baruch Mordechai.” The Rebbe made a gezeira for our generation, that during the whole year, EVEN on Purim, we don’t drink more than four lechaim cups of mashke — and even that only if we can handle the mashke properly. The Rebbe only lets someone who is over 40 years old to drink more. (See Purim 5724) There are many explanations in halacha, but Chassidus has a beautiful explanation of what this chiyuv means: During the times of Purim, it was a very scary time for the Yidden. Mordechai Hatzadik helped all of the Yidden to realize that this gezeira was from Hashem, because they hadn’t been acting the way they should! The Yidden started following Torah and mitzvos in a way of Mesiras Nefesh, even though being a Yid meant that Haman’s decree would be against them. That feeling of Mesiras Nefesh, of only thinking about what Hashem wants, is called the pnimius of the neshama, the purest part. In the pnimius of the neshama, it doesn’t matter what we understand, there is only thinking about what Hashem wants! Even if a halacha doesn’t make sense to us, or we don’t enjoy doing a certain mitzvah, we do it anyway! That’s called “Lo Yada,” not knowing. EVERY Yid has the same pnimius of his neshama that is ready to have Mesiras Nefesh, and only do what Hashem wants! It doesn’t matter if a Yid is usually an “Arur Haman” kind of Yid, who only listens to his Yetzer Hara, or a “Baruch Mordechai” kind of Yid who only follows his Yetzer Tov. That’s the level we are supposed to reach on Purim! We should reach “Ad D’lo Yada” — we should feel the pnimius of our neshama, that is the same for EVERY Yid! This is the avodah of Purim, to feel our koach of Mesiras Nefesh, just like the Yidden in the time of Purim. This koach isn’t just for Purim! When we reach the level of Ad D’Lo Yada, it will help us all year long, to know the difference and have chayus in Arur Haman and Baruch Mordechai! It will help us all year to know when something is coming from our Yetzer Hara, or from our Yetzer Tov! Then we will be able to stay away from our Yetzer Hara’s tricks, and only do what Hashem wants. See Purim farbrengens throughout the years |
The song the Leviim would sing in the Beis Hamikdash on Yom Shishi is Kapitel Tzadik-Gimmel. It starts with the words “Hashem Malach Ge’us Lavesh,” “Hashem has ruled, He has worn majesty.” On Yom Shishi, Hashem created all of the animals (the birds and fish were created on Yom Chamishi), and the first people, Adam and Chava! Once Adam was created, he recognized that Hashem ruled over the world, and told all of the creations to come and bow before Hashem! Now, once there was a person, Hashem was able to be a King. That’s why we say this Shir Shel Yom on Yom Shishi, because the first day that “Hashem Malach,” Hashem ruled, was on Yom Shishi. |
We learned in Tanya today that every person has an opportunity every day to host Hashem as a guest in the world during the time he has set aside to learn Torah! The Tanya tells us to follow the halachos of which parts of Torah to learn, in Hilchos Talmud Torah. So what does it say in Hilchos Talmud Torah? Which parts of Torah should we learn? Really, there is a mitzvah for men to learn the ENTIRE Torah! But the FIRST thing we need to learn is Halachos Hatzrichos, the halachos that teach us how to act as a Yid! This is true for every Yid, for men, women, and children! See the Alter Rebbe’s Hilchos Talmud Torah, siman Alef se’if Yud-Daled, and siman Beis se’if Tes; and many of the Rebbe’s sichos and letters |
לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ |
The Rebbe teaches us how to look at the world in a Moshiach’dike way! Here’s an example of one way to do it: On Yom Shishi, Hashem created all of the animals. We should think, what will all these animals be like when Moshiach comes? When Moshiach comes, these animals will all live peacefully together! None of them will fight with each other anymore, or hurt people anymore. Even a wild animal like a wolf will be able to lie down next to a baby sheep, and the sheep will be safe. |
לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק |
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