
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
2019 is an important year for  TIPTOP as we continue to expand our work and reach.  We are learning more and more from the communities we work with every day on what it takes to reach the hardest to reach pregnant women.  Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are an integral part of community engagement and advocacy to district authorities and village leaders across all countries. The important work of CSOs is highlighted below in ‘Visions from the Field’.
Makambu Lamama from Kenge District, DRC (featured in the photo below) was the very first woman to receive SP from a community health worker in DRC.  Since that time she has given birth to a healthy baby boy and joined Société Civile de Santé, a local organization, to help educate other women in her community.  It is stories like these that remind us how important the role of the community is in promoting and influencing health behaviors.
As TIPTOP implementation moves forward, we are committed to sharing resources across our TIPTOP countries and throughout the region.  This newsletter features our TIPTOP learning resource package (LRP) that includes an implementation guide, facilitator’s guide, PowerPoint presentations and generic job aids for community intermittent preventive treatment (C-IPTp).  Countries interested in piloting C-IPTp can adapt the LRP to their country context. Access the LRP using the link below.

Voices from the field

"The TIPTOP project is good, because from my experience, we moms often neglect ANC.  I am happy because in our community and at home, this project has helped us to know the issues when a pregnant woman does not take SP with risk of maternal and infantile death. The CHWs encourage women go to ANC and get SP and I’m applying this positive change in my village through my work with Société Civile Santé de Kwango.”
Makambu Lamama, Kapanga, Kenge District, Democratic Republic of Congo
Photo credit: Fabrice Witanday, Jhpiego
Click here to view the TIPTOP Learning Resource Package

Meet some of the TIPTOP team members from around the globe

Alain Mikato

Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Jhpiego DRC
I realized I wanted to work in global health when:  after 5 years working in primary care in rural areas, I realized the health needs of mothers and children could not be solved by big funds, but more by personal commitment to global health through an organization.

Clara Pons

Junior Epidemiologist, ISGlobal
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: that it is focused on one of the most vulnerable population groups - pregnant women - and tests a new strategy to improve their health in the long term. 
My role on TIPTOP is: carrying out research activities in order to generate evidence regarding community IPTp.

Geoff Prall

Program Officer, Jhpiego Headquarters

I've been working with Jhpiego since: 2015. I joined shortly after finishing my Peace Corps service as a rural community health volunteer in Benin. The majority of my experience with Jhpiego has been working with the Nigeria team but I’ve also worked with Mali, South Sudan, DRC and Liberia before joining TIPTOP.

Visions from the field
Emmanuel Nwojiji, a representative of Safe Motherhood Ladies Association, a Civil Society Organization, counseling women on the importance of SP and regular ANC attendance during Akpaka community meeting, Ohaukwu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Photo Credit: Enobong Ndekhedehe, Jhpiego
 Aimee Nzey, from the Association of People Living with Disability, a Civil Society Organization, educating women in her community on the benefits of SP in Kapanga, Kenge District, DRC  
Photo credit: Fabrice Witanday, Jhpiego
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