WELCOME! I'M SO EXCITED YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO INCLUDE ME ON YOUR JOURNEY INTO JOY WITH THIS LIFE CHANGING PROGRAM!  I am excited to work with you to bring more joy, love, peace and healing into your life. Please fill out this form so I have your info in one place and look in your email because your FREEbies will sent right after this. Please SAVE JAKKIGIOIA@JOURNEYINTOJOY.COM as a contact so you will not miss any of my correspondence.  The Pamper with Love Body Care Kit and physical Follow the Signs book will be sent after the 14 day grace period for refunds if you enrolled in the full or partial program. 

In an hour you will receive the materials for your first lesson so keep an eye out for more emails from me. Meanwhile, start to think about what you hope to gain from this program so we can catapult you toward your goals faster! 

Looking forward to our time together.

With Love & Blessings,
Jakki Gioia
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